Newspaper review: Defence and prisons occupy papers

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The prime minister's frustration with senior military figures and their warnings about overstretched resources makes the <a href="" >front of the Daily Telegraph</a>.

David Cameron was clearly irritated, says the paper, with repeated leaks about the strain on resources caused by operations in Libya and Afghanistan.

The Telegraph urges Mr Cameron to "listen to the top brass".

The <a href="" >Daily Mirror</a> says the prime minister is facing a mutiny because of a shambolic cost-cutting exercise.

Decisive shift

The government's re-writing of the Justice Bill delights the <a href="" >Daily Mail</a> and the <a href="" >Daily Express</a>.

"Now you can bash a burglar" is the Express headline. It applauds a proposal to strengthen people's right to protect their homes from thieves.

The Mail describes the legislation as "a sharp turn to the right on law and order" and welcomes tougher punishments for knife crime.

<a href="" >For the Sun</a>, it represents a decisive shift away from liberal hand-wringing.

Great shame

The <a href="" >Independent says we are left with exactly the wrong policy on prisons</a>.

It believes Ken Clarke's reforms would have would have reduced the prison population and created incentive for prisoners to plead guilty earlier, reducing distress for victims.

<a href="" >For the Guardian</a>, the "greatest shame in this shaming tale is reserved for the prime minister".

Whereas he bowed to reasoned objections on NHS reform, this time he has been cowed by the tabloids, it says.

Strike wave

The <a href="" >Daily Express</a> says Britain's trade union leaders appear determined to drag the country back to the 1970s.

It reports a warning by union chief Dave Prentis that an "unprecedented" wave of strikes is on the way.

The <a href="" >Daily Telegraph says Nick Clegg believes Conservative politicians</a> are "bristling for a fight" with unions over changes to public sector pensions.

The <a href="" >Sun says Labour's silence is deafening</a> . It urges leader Ed Miliband to take a tough stance on the unions.