Fire in block of flats in Derry started deliberately

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The Fire and Rescue Service has said it believes a blaze at a block of flats in Londonderry was started deliberately.

The fire was started in the lobby of the flats on the Letterkenny Road.

Fire crews received a call at 0100 BST on Saturday. A man and a woman had to be rescued from inside the building.

Mark Darryl from the Fire Service said the occupants were lucky to have escaped serious injury.

"The female occupant when she had opened the door had taken in an awful lot of smoke and was suffering from smoke inhalation," he said.

"She was taken to Altnagelvin Hospital by ambulance in a very distressed state.

"The male occupant of the adjacent flat was treated at the scene.

"He was fine, but I think the woman had a very lucky escape."