England riots: One photographer's baptism of fire


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<strong>When photographer Lewis Whyld of the Press Association arrived on Tottenham High Street on 6 August, the first and fiercest night of this summer's riots, he soon saw three other photographers being attacked. For the next hour he was forced to shoot on his mobile phone, and only pulled out his cameras once it was dark. </strong>

Shooting by the light of the police helicopter searchlight, Whyld captured these images that went right round the world. Here Whyld reveals how he documented a night of unrest in north London.

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<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016lg5q" >Picture Power: Portraits of five leading photographers</a> can be heard on Radio 4.

All photographs copyright Lewis Whyld/Press Association. Interview by Miles Warde, slideshow production by Phil Coomes.