London Cycling Campaign petitions mayoral candidates

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The London Cycling Campaign (LCC) has launched a petition which, in the LCC's words, "calls on the mayoral election candidates to commit to more people-friendly streets and continental-standard cycle facilities in the capital" and is "a response to the deep worries that existing and potential cyclists have about safety." The campaign's title refers to the high standard of cycling infrastructure found in the Netherlands. Here's the accompanying film.

Not much there I'd disagree with. The same goes for the findings of a new YouGov survey published in conjunction with the launch. Asked to pick the most significant factor preventing them from cycling more in London, 40% of the 1,376 respondents chose "I worry about my safety around motor traffic."

No surprise there. The LCC points out that 16 cyclist were killed on London's roads last year. Green Party mayoral candidate Jenny Jones has recently drawn attention to Transport for London figures showing that cyclists in London have become more likely to become collision casualties since 2007.

YouGov also asked respondents to choose from a list the one change a London mayor could make that would encourage them to cycle more. "Safe and convenient cycle lanes" was the option picked by 26% and "making it safer to cycle across junctions and roundabouts" was picked by 14%. Tellingly, 45% said there weren't any changes that would encourage them to cycle more in the capital.

Another question was put to parents, who were asked about changes that would encourage them to cycle more often with their children. In this case a very large 63% said nothing would have that effect. Safe and convenient lanes came top with 16%.

The full YouGov survey results are here. Attractive proposed cycle-friendly redesigns of well-known London locations can be examined here. The Love London, Go Dutch petition can be signed here. Which candidate do you think will offer the best cycling policies? Boris? Brian? Jenny? Ken? None of the above?