Holy ballot papers! Salford's 'Knight Warrior' is standing as mayor


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A real-life superhero has announced that he plans to stand as a candidate in north-western England's first directly-elected mayor elections in Salford on 3 May.

Roger Hayhurst, 19 and better known in the city by his alias the Knight Warrior, has declared his intention to run after being spotted at Salford town hall picking up his candidacy papers.

Inspired by comic book heroes Batman and Superman, he has become a minor celebrity over the past two years, patrolling the streets of Salford and tackling anti-social behaviour dressed in his trademark blue cape and mask. A part-time gardener, he has also toured schools and recently pioneered a scheme to feed the homeless.

If voted in, he promises to use his powers - political rather than Kryptonite - to make Salford a safer place. He says:

<br />I'd set up more Neighbourhood Watch schemes and use my experience to help combat crime in the area. I don't know if I'll win or not, but I think I've got a good chance. It would be good to have a Mayor like me, a local lad.

Roger faces stiff competition from Labour candidate Ian Stewart, who warned the position should be reserved for someone serious about the job. He says:

<br />There's always room for a joke and a laugh in British politics but the danger is you have to be careful and apprehensive because the person might have no political knowledge or experience.

When it comes to the crunch you need someone sensible and serious to make decisions that will look after and affect your family.

In Salford, Roger's announcement got a friendly but cautious reception, as an alternative choice to the major parties. Voter Paul Gerrard says:

I'd need to know more about him and what he stands for, but I won't be voting for any of the establishment parties because they're all in it together.

<br />Jean Coward agrees:

<br />I'd need to read something more about what he intends to do first.

<br />If successful, Roger would follow in the footsteps of H'Angus the Monkey, the football mascot elected as Mayor of Hartlepool in 2002 with the slogan 'Free bananas for schoolchildren'. Initially written off as a joke candidate, H'Angus - really Stuart Drummond -has since been re-elected twice setting a precedent which the Knight Warrior seeks to follow on 3 May.

Here's a little vid of Samantha Warrington getting the Knight Warrior's very first comments of the campaign.