Springtime for tweeters: the buzz surrounding the new season


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Spring fever is here. The trees are budding, the flowers are blossoming and skiiers are... topless. The warm weather is making America's cities colorful again and the reaction is blooming across the country.

Any spring gardening humans out there? Here is a sign for you : ) twitter.com/mygbgvlife/sta…


But while the cherry blossoms and crocuses have insipired iPhone photographers and fashion designers, not everyone is thrilled to see them bloom; the 40 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies each year have an entirely different take on the season.

Oh, hey SNEEZE it's Spring SNEEZE again SNEEZE


Whether you can get close enough to smell the flowers or you prefer to enjoy them from afar, we want to know what signs of spring you're seeing. Send us a photo, a tweet or a blurb and we'll include it in our ongoing "Spring Show & Tell" feature.<strong>

There are three ways to participate: email me at ruth.spencer@guadian.co.uk, Tweet @GuardianUS or post in the comments below.</strong>

Here's a smattering of what you've been saying about the season so far:

Spring skiing at its finest. twitter.com/Ski4Stuhill/st…


#Spring in #newyork is the most beautiful time of year! twitter.com/giltfounder/st…


Boulder area Spring weather is ROCKIN' my world!View today at 9,000ft...wearing shorts :) twitter.com/irmigrrr/statu…


Is there not an iPhone app that says "gesundheit" after it hears a sneeze? Someone could be making millions this spring.

<em></em><br /><strong>What signs of spring are you seeing? Tell us in the comments, via Twitter or email me: ruth.spencer@guardian.co.uk</strong>