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PMQs and Jeremy Hunt's statement to the Commons: Politics live blog PMQs and Jeremy Hunt's statement to the Commons: Politics live blog
(31 minutes later)
4.07pm: Here's a short afternoon reading list.
• Dan Hodges at the Telegraph says that the duel between Ed Balls and George Osborne is over, and that Balls has won.

Labour is still nowhere near where it needs to be on the economy. As with the Government's broader political difficulties, David Cameron's pain does not automatically become Ed Miliband's gain. But if Ed Balls and Ed Miliband want to take their party on a journey there is no longer anything their opponents can do about it. It is the Tories who have, temporarily at least, lost the right to be listened to on the economy.
I didn't think Ed Balls would emerge victorious from his duel with George Osborne. I thought Balls was the more courageous, but Osborne had the steadier hand and keener eye. I was wrong. Balls has proved quicker on the draw. It's Osborne who lies bloodied. And for the first time his Government and Prime Minister are looking vulnerable too.

• Michael Wolff at Comment is free says the Leveson inquiry needs to work out whether the Murdochs are unique, or whether all powerful news organisations work like News International.

It would also be helpful if there were some historical perspective here. Does this tell us about the way the secret world of money and media operates? Or does it tell us mostly about an unusual time and circumstance when Rupert Murdoch and his family took over a country?
• John Rentoul on his Independent blog says that the idea that Tony Blair always appeased Rupert Murdoch is a myth.
Blair worked hard to try to gain a fair hearing with newspapers, their proprietors, and any other centre of influential opinion. But he held the line on his pro-European policy against Rupert Murdoch's scepticism, and, in government, he did not allow Murdoch to extend his media market share in an uncompetitive way.
3.50pm: Back to the economy, here's a statement from Carwyn Jones (pictured), the Welsh first minister, on the news that Britain has slipped back into recession.3.50pm: Back to the economy, here's a statement from Carwyn Jones (pictured), the Welsh first minister, on the news that Britain has slipped back into recession.

We warned the UK government their spending cuts were too deep, too fast. We warned these cuts would lead to a double dip recession. Today, these figures prove we were right.

We warned the UK government their spending cuts were too deep, too fast. We warned these cuts would lead to a double dip recession. Today, these figures prove we were right.
The other figures released today for gross domestic household income - the amount of money people have to spend or save in 2010 was improving with Wales having the joint largest increase in the UK on a per head basis over the year. The UK Government's cuts - plus high inflation and weak growth in the Eurozone - make these very difficult times for businesses and people in Wales.The other figures released today for gross domestic household income - the amount of money people have to spend or save in 2010 was improving with Wales having the joint largest increase in the UK on a per head basis over the year. The UK Government's cuts - plus high inflation and weak growth in the Eurozone - make these very difficult times for businesses and people in Wales.
The UK Government now need to change course and follow our lead by pursuing an economic policy which promotes sustainable economic growth, creates jobs and ensures people have the skills they need to fulfil their potential.The UK Government now need to change course and follow our lead by pursuing an economic policy which promotes sustainable economic growth, creates jobs and ensures people have the skills they need to fulfil their potential.
And here's a tweet from John Swinney, Scotland's finance minister.And here's a tweet from John Swinney, Scotland's finance minister.
UK in recession. Compelling and urgent case for UK Govt to boost capital spending.UK in recession. Compelling and urgent case for UK Govt to boost capital spending.
— John Swinney (@JohnSwinney) April 25, 2012— John Swinney (@JohnSwinney) April 25, 2012
3.37pm: Labour have accused Jeremy Hunt of breaking three rules in the ministerial code in three areas. Here they are:3.37pm: Labour have accused Jeremy Hunt of breaking three rules in the ministerial code in three areas. Here they are:
• Article 1.2 (c) which says it is of "paramount importance that ministers give accurate and truthful information to Parliament, correcting any inadvertent error at the earliest opportunity." It goes on: "Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the prime minister."• Article 1.2 (c) which says it is of "paramount importance that ministers give accurate and truthful information to Parliament, correcting any inadvertent error at the earliest opportunity." It goes on: "Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the prime minister."
• Article 3.3 which says: "Individual ministers will be accountable to the prime minister, parliament and the public for their actions and decisions in respect of their special advisers."• Article 3.3 which says: "Individual ministers will be accountable to the prime minister, parliament and the public for their actions and decisions in respect of their special advisers."
• Article 9.1 which says: "When parliament is in session, the most important announcements of government policy should be made in the first instance, in parliament."• Article 9.1 which says: "When parliament is in session, the most important announcements of government policy should be made in the first instance, in parliament."
3.26pm: Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has said that he would be "delighted" to appear before the Leveson inquiry to explain his contacts with News International. He was speaking in the light of the evidence that emerged at the inquiry yesterday suggesting that Salmond offered to help News Corporation's bid for BSkyB after the Sun in Scotland backed the SNP. Salmond said it there was not deal, and it was wrong to compare his actions with those of Jeremy Hunt's adviser.3.26pm: Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has said that he would be "delighted" to appear before the Leveson inquiry to explain his contacts with News International. He was speaking in the light of the evidence that emerged at the inquiry yesterday suggesting that Salmond offered to help News Corporation's bid for BSkyB after the Sun in Scotland backed the SNP. Salmond said it there was not deal, and it was wrong to compare his actions with those of Jeremy Hunt's adviser.

There can't be possibly any suggestion of wrong-doing or impropriety. What has happened to Jeremy Hunt's special adviser is totally different. It's a question of legality and quasi-judicial rule. That's not the position of the Scottish government. It's ridiculous to look for a comparison and I'm sure Lord Justice Leveson will realise that as well.

There can't be possibly any suggestion of wrong-doing or impropriety. What has happened to Jeremy Hunt's special adviser is totally different. It's a question of legality and quasi-judicial rule. That's not the position of the Scottish government. It's ridiculous to look for a comparison and I'm sure Lord Justice Leveson will realise that as well.
But I'm responsible for what goes on in the Scottish administration. I shall be delighted to go along to the Leveson Inquiry and explain why it's our responsibility to advocate jobs and investment for Scotland. There was no quid pro quo because we were not in any position to deliver any quid pro quo.
"There was no quid therefore there was no pro.
But I'm responsible for what goes on in the Scottish administration. I shall be delighted to go along to the Leveson Inquiry and explain why it's our responsibility to advocate jobs and investment for Scotland. There was no quid pro quo because we were not in any position to deliver any quid pro quo.
"There was no quid therefore there was no pro.
Asked about the email suggestion that Salmond was going to contact Hunt to express his support for the BSkyB bid, Salmond said: "That's email tittle-tattle, it's not representative of the fact."Asked about the email suggestion that Salmond was going to contact Hunt to express his support for the BSkyB bid, Salmond said: "That's email tittle-tattle, it's not representative of the fact."
oday denied any wrong-doing over the BSkyB takeover bid and insisted he would be "delighted" to appear before the Leveson Inquiry.
The SNP leader dismissed claims made in an email from a senior figure at News Corporation suggesting he would call Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt "whenever we need him to".
He also insisted he was happy for his aides to appear before the inquiry, which is investigating press standards.
oday denied any wrong-doing over the BSkyB takeover bid and insisted he would be "delighted" to appear before the Leveson Inquiry.
The SNP leader dismissed claims made in an email from a senior figure at News Corporation suggesting he would call Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt "whenever we need him to".
He also insisted he was happy for his aides to appear before the inquiry, which is investigating press standards.
3.20pm: Labour's Chris Bryant told BBC News there were two "disreputable" things about the stance that the government has taken on News Corporation today. I've taken the quote from PoliticsHome.3.20pm: Labour's Chris Bryant told BBC News there were two "disreputable" things about the stance that the government has taken on News Corporation today. I've taken the quote from PoliticsHome.
First of all they were hiding behind Leveson, they were saying, oh no, it's nothing to do with parliament, let the judge decide. Well, the judge can't decide whether parliament's been lied to, for instance. Or, for that matter, the judge can't decide whether it's wrong that the material that BSkyB had before it came to the House of Commons, whether that's a contempt of parliament. Those are only things that the House of Commons can look at.First of all they were hiding behind Leveson, they were saying, oh no, it's nothing to do with parliament, let the judge decide. Well, the judge can't decide whether parliament's been lied to, for instance. Or, for that matter, the judge can't decide whether it's wrong that the material that BSkyB had before it came to the House of Commons, whether that's a contempt of parliament. Those are only things that the House of Commons can look at.
And the second thing that was disreputable was, I just don't think it's right to dump on your staff. Jeremy Hunt, at the end, as every Minister is, is responsible - it says so quite clearly in the ministerial code of conduct - for their staff.And the second thing that was disreputable was, I just don't think it's right to dump on your staff. Jeremy Hunt, at the end, as every Minister is, is responsible - it says so quite clearly in the ministerial code of conduct - for their staff.
2.47pm: And here is some more reaction from the web to what David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt have been saying.2.47pm: And here is some more reaction from the web to what David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt have been saying.
• James Forsyth at Coffee House says Jeremy Hunt did not answer the key question.• James Forsyth at Coffee House says Jeremy Hunt did not answer the key question.
In his statement to the House of Commons, I heard no answer from Jeremy Hunt to the most serious question about his handling of the whole News Corp bid: how did Frederic Michel appear to know what Hunt would say to the Commons before he said it? If he was being given a steer on what was to be said or any advance sight then it is hard to see how Hunt can remain in post. This is not a matter that can be dealt with by the resignation of a special adviser.In his statement to the House of Commons, I heard no answer from Jeremy Hunt to the most serious question about his handling of the whole News Corp bid: how did Frederic Michel appear to know what Hunt would say to the Commons before he said it? If he was being given a steer on what was to be said or any advance sight then it is hard to see how Hunt can remain in post. This is not a matter that can be dealt with by the resignation of a special adviser.
• Benedict Brogan on his Telegraph blog says Jeremy Hunt is in deep trouble.• Benedict Brogan on his Telegraph blog says Jeremy Hunt is in deep trouble.
I don't quite see how he talks his way out of this one. He will be glad to know Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg stayed on the front bench for his statement, though they could hardly slope off as he got up to speak. He has to survive the Commons, and any further revelations. If he's that confident of his propriety, maybe he'd like to show us the rest of his text and email traffic with the PM, George Osborne, various folk in No10, and specifically his communications with Adam Smith. Mr Miliband was right when he reminded Mr Cameron – and Mr Hunt – that Lord Justice Leveson is not responsible for the integrity of the Government. With his back against a wall, Mr Cameron deployed the usual tricks of pleading for time and accusing the Labour leader of bandwagon-jumping. But he knows the danger, as David Winnick pithily reminded him: we are back to sleaze and "same old Tories".I don't quite see how he talks his way out of this one. He will be glad to know Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg stayed on the front bench for his statement, though they could hardly slope off as he got up to speak. He has to survive the Commons, and any further revelations. If he's that confident of his propriety, maybe he'd like to show us the rest of his text and email traffic with the PM, George Osborne, various folk in No10, and specifically his communications with Adam Smith. Mr Miliband was right when he reminded Mr Cameron – and Mr Hunt – that Lord Justice Leveson is not responsible for the integrity of the Government. With his back against a wall, Mr Cameron deployed the usual tricks of pleading for time and accusing the Labour leader of bandwagon-jumping. But he knows the danger, as David Winnick pithily reminded him: we are back to sleaze and "same old Tories".
• Robert Peston on his BBC blog says he thinks the Financial Services Authority may want to investigate claims that market-sensitive information was passed to News Corporation before it was publicly announced.• Robert Peston on his BBC blog says he thinks the Financial Services Authority may want to investigate claims that market-sensitive information was passed to News Corporation before it was publicly announced.
• James Kirkup at the Telegraph says David Cameron had a bad time at PMQs.• James Kirkup at the Telegraph says David Cameron had a bad time at PMQs.
Probably the worst moment for Mr Cameron was when he tried to persuade the House, the media and the country that we should all wait for the end of the Leveson Inquiry before we reach conclusions about the conduct of his Government over the BSkyB deal, instead of making judgements on a single day's evidence.Probably the worst moment for Mr Cameron was when he tried to persuade the House, the media and the country that we should all wait for the end of the Leveson Inquiry before we reach conclusions about the conduct of his Government over the BSkyB deal, instead of making judgements on a single day's evidence.
That would be a flimsy enough claim at the best of times, but coming an hour after a Government adviser has quit because of a single day's evidence, it's just silly, and the House knew it.That would be a flimsy enough claim at the best of times, but coming an hour after a Government adviser has quit because of a single day's evidence, it's just silly, and the House knew it.
• Iain Martin at the Telegraph says Ed Miliband flunked a big opporunity in the Commons.• Iain Martin at the Telegraph says Ed Miliband flunked a big opporunity in the Commons.

The Labour leader's focus should have been on specifics: Why did Hunt's special advisor resign only 18 hours after Hunt said he had full confidence in him? How does Cameron respond to the claim by James Murdoch that they discussed – albeit briefly – the BSkyB deal when having a festive dinner at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks?

The Labour leader's focus should have been on specifics: Why did Hunt's special advisor resign only 18 hours after Hunt said he had full confidence in him? How does Cameron respond to the claim by James Murdoch that they discussed – albeit briefly – the BSkyB deal when having a festive dinner at the Oxfordshire home of Rebekah Brooks?
These omissions allowed Cameron to close quite strongly. Against the odds, it was a late win for the Prime Minister.These omissions allowed Cameron to close quite strongly. Against the odds, it was a late win for the Prime Minister.
• Mark Ferguson at LabourList says Ed Miliband should have done better on the economy at PMQs.• Mark Ferguson at LabourList says Ed Miliband should have done better on the economy at PMQs.
• Gary Gibbon on his Channel 4 News blog says David Cameron used Lord Justice Leveson's comments to protect Hunt.• Gary Gibbon on his Channel 4 News blog says David Cameron used Lord Justice Leveson's comments to protect Hunt.
2.42pm: Here's John Prescott on Twitter on the Jeremy Hunt statement.2.42pm: Here's John Prescott on Twitter on the Jeremy Hunt statement.
He NEVER disappoints. Dennis Skinner to Jeremy Hunt : "When posh boys are in trouble they sack the servants" #LevesonHe NEVER disappoints. Dennis Skinner to Jeremy Hunt : "When posh boys are in trouble they sack the servants" #Leveson
— John Prescott (@johnprescott) April 25, 2012— John Prescott (@johnprescott) April 25, 2012
1.53pm: Where does that leave us? Here are some instant thoughts based on what I've just heard from Hunt.1.53pm: Where does that leave us? Here are some instant thoughts based on what I've just heard from Hunt.
• Jeremy Hunt seems safe - for now. That's my assessment (I may be wrong) and it is based not so much on the quality of Hunt's defence as on the amount of political support he enjoys. David Cameron was, given the circumstances, effusive. He said this during PMQs:• Jeremy Hunt seems safe - for now. That's my assessment (I may be wrong) and it is based not so much on the quality of Hunt's defence as on the amount of political support he enjoys. David Cameron was, given the circumstances, effusive. He said this during PMQs:
Let me be absolutely clear about the culture secretary, who has my full support for the excellent job that he does.Let me be absolutely clear about the culture secretary, who has my full support for the excellent job that he does.
And Tory MPs rallied behind Hunt too. Many of them described him as a man of integrity, and spoke about him warmly in personal terms. When your job's on the line, this stuff matters.And Tory MPs rallied behind Hunt too. Many of them described him as a man of integrity, and spoke about him warmly in personal terms. When your job's on the line, this stuff matters.
• Hunt failed to refute claims that he allowed News Corporation to get special treatment from the Department for Culture. This is the key extract from Hunt's opening statement.• Hunt failed to refute claims that he allowed News Corporation to get special treatment from the Department for Culture. This is the key extract from Hunt's opening statement.

Transcripts of conversations and texts published yesterday between my special adviser, Adam Smith and a NewsCorp executive have suggested there is a back channel. This is categorically not the case. However, the volume and tone of those communications were clearly not appropriate in a quasi-judicial process, and today Adam Smith has resigned as my special adviser.

Transcripts of conversations and texts published yesterday between my special adviser, Adam Smith and a NewsCorp executive have suggested there is a back channel. This is categorically not the case. However, the volume and tone of those communications were clearly not appropriate in a quasi-judicial process, and today Adam Smith has resigned as my special adviser.
Hunt spoke about the "volume and tone" of those email and text message exchanges. But what is contentious about them is not so much their volume and tone as their content. Hunt was not pressed in detail on this. He said, correctly, that ministers cannot expect to know about every email being sent from their department. But Tom Harris, a Labour former minister, said (correctly) that ministers sometimes spend more time with their special advisers than with members of their families and it is hard to believe Smith said all the things he did to Fred Michel without some approval from Hunt. Hunt also refused to deny suggestions that he pushed for Smith, rather than a conventional civil servant, to be his key link with News Corporation.Hunt spoke about the "volume and tone" of those email and text message exchanges. But what is contentious about them is not so much their volume and tone as their content. Hunt was not pressed in detail on this. He said, correctly, that ministers cannot expect to know about every email being sent from their department. But Tom Harris, a Labour former minister, said (correctly) that ministers sometimes spend more time with their special advisers than with members of their families and it is hard to believe Smith said all the things he did to Fred Michel without some approval from Hunt. Hunt also refused to deny suggestions that he pushed for Smith, rather than a conventional civil servant, to be his key link with News Corporation.
• But the resignation of Adam Smith does offer Hunt some protection. Hunt was able to identify four decisions that he took during the bid process that went against the wishes of James Murdoch and he claimed that, in the personal decisions he took, he acted properly. He could not defend Smith, but Smith has now resigned. Now the row will focus on the extent to which Smith was acting independently, and the extent to which he was acting on Hunt's orders and with his knowledge.• But the resignation of Adam Smith does offer Hunt some protection. Hunt was able to identify four decisions that he took during the bid process that went against the wishes of James Murdoch and he claimed that, in the personal decisions he took, he acted properly. He could not defend Smith, but Smith has now resigned. Now the row will focus on the extent to which Smith was acting independently, and the extent to which he was acting on Hunt's orders and with his knowledge.
• The Leveson inquiry is becoming politicised. Until now there has been broad cross-party agreement on the need to tighten media regulation. But Hunt is now explicitly inviting Leveson to clear him. If Leveson does exonerate Hunt, Labour will find it impossible to support that finding, because they have already decided that he should resign. We're also in the odd position of Leveson having to pass judgment on a minister in a report which will be presented to that very same minister.• The Leveson inquiry is becoming politicised. Until now there has been broad cross-party agreement on the need to tighten media regulation. But Hunt is now explicitly inviting Leveson to clear him. If Leveson does exonerate Hunt, Labour will find it impossible to support that finding, because they have already decided that he should resign. We're also in the odd position of Leveson having to pass judgment on a minister in a report which will be presented to that very same minister.
• Sleaze is back on the agenda. Ed Miliband used the word at PMQs, and it will be interesting to see whether it sticks as an anti-government charge. Sleaze worked wonders for Labour in the 1990s, but it proved to be a mixed blessing because it created expectations of propriety that no party has (so far) been able to fulfill.• Sleaze is back on the agenda. Ed Miliband used the word at PMQs, and it will be interesting to see whether it sticks as an anti-government charge. Sleaze worked wonders for Labour in the 1990s, but it proved to be a mixed blessing because it created expectations of propriety that no party has (so far) been able to fulfill.
1.45pm: The Hunt statement is now over. As he was leaving the chamber, some Tory MPs shouted "well done". I'm going to post my own verdict very shortly.1.45pm: The Hunt statement is now over. As he was leaving the chamber, some Tory MPs shouted "well done". I'm going to post my own verdict very shortly.
In the meantime, I see that while I was focusing on the Commons chamber, Rupert Murdoch was telling the Leveson inquiry that News International was being victimised by the Labour party! Wonders never cease ...In the meantime, I see that while I was focusing on the Commons chamber, Rupert Murdoch was telling the Leveson inquiry that News International was being victimised by the Labour party! Wonders never cease ...
1.41pm: Labour's Paul Blomfield asks Hunt was he said to the permanent secretary about appointing Adam Smith as a link with News Corp.1.41pm: Labour's Paul Blomfield asks Hunt was he said to the permanent secretary about appointing Adam Smith as a link with News Corp.
Hunt says he has already addressed this. The key point is that the permanent secrtary approved the arrangement, he says.Hunt says he has already addressed this. The key point is that the permanent secrtary approved the arrangement, he says.
1.41pm: Hunt says that Adam Smith's conduct as a special adviser was exemplary in every other aspect.1.41pm: Hunt says that Adam Smith's conduct as a special adviser was exemplary in every other aspect.
1.39pm: Gavin Williamson, a Conservative, asks Hunt to confirm that he is not a godparent to any of the Murdoch children.1.39pm: Gavin Williamson, a Conservative, asks Hunt to confirm that he is not a godparent to any of the Murdoch children.
John Bercow, the Speaker, says this questions is out of order.John Bercow, the Speaker, says this questions is out of order.
1.39pm: Hunt says Damian McBride's behaviour was "infinitely worse".1.39pm: Hunt says Damian McBride's behaviour was "infinitely worse".
1.35pm: Labour's Sheila Gilmore asks why Hunt did not know what messages his special adviser was sending.1.35pm: Labour's Sheila Gilmore asks why Hunt did not know what messages his special adviser was sending.
Hunt says he manages his staff closely. But he does not know every text message or email being send from within his department. When he found out what Adam Smith, it was a matter of "profound regret".Hunt says he manages his staff closely. But he does not know every text message or email being send from within his department. When he found out what Adam Smith, it was a matter of "profound regret".
1.34pm: Gavin Barwell, a Conservative, asks Hunt when he will give evidence to Leveson.1.34pm: Gavin Barwell, a Conservative, asks Hunt when he will give evidence to Leveson.
Hunt says he would like to give evidence as soon as possible. At the moment he is scheduled to appear towards the end of May. It is for Leveson to decide.Hunt says he would like to give evidence as soon as possible. At the moment he is scheduled to appear towards the end of May. It is for Leveson to decide.
1.32pm: Labour's Anas Sarwar says Alex Salmond should have made a statement to the Scottish parliament about this.1.32pm: Labour's Anas Sarwar says Alex Salmond should have made a statement to the Scottish parliament about this.
Hunt says that is a matter for Salmond. But all politicians should be open and transparent. And all should show "humility" in addressing this problem.Hunt says that is a matter for Salmond. But all politicians should be open and transparent. And all should show "humility" in addressing this problem.
1.31pm: Labour's Diana Johnson asks Hunt if he agrees that he was negligent in not controlling what Adam Smith did. And did he ask for Adam Smith to be the point of contact.1.31pm: Labour's Diana Johnson asks Hunt if he agrees that he was negligent in not controlling what Adam Smith did. And did he ask for Adam Smith to be the point of contact.
Hunt, again, says the process was more "fluid" than that.Hunt, again, says the process was more "fluid" than that.
1.30pm: Labour's Ian Lucas asks Hunt to confirm that he asked for Adam Smith to be the point of contact with New Corp.1.30pm: Labour's Ian Lucas asks Hunt to confirm that he asked for Adam Smith to be the point of contact with New Corp.
Hunt says he thinks the process was "more fluid" than that. But the permanent secretary was happy with the outcome.Hunt says he thinks the process was "more fluid" than that. But the permanent secretary was happy with the outcome.
1.28pm: Labour's Robert Flello says Hunt has not been able to explain why Adam Smith was appointed to be the lead contact with News Corp.1.28pm: Labour's Robert Flello says Hunt has not been able to explain why Adam Smith was appointed to be the lead contact with News Corp.
Hunt says all the roles were agreed by the permanent secretary.Hunt says all the roles were agreed by the permanent secretary.
1.28pm: Robert Halfon, a Conservative, says Hunt is turning out to be an "outstanding secretary of state".1.28pm: Robert Halfon, a Conservative, says Hunt is turning out to be an "outstanding secretary of state".
1.27pm: Labour's Andrew Slaughter says Hunt was trying to find political cover for a decision that he had already taken.1.27pm: Labour's Andrew Slaughter says Hunt was trying to find political cover for a decision that he had already taken.
1.26pm: Robert Buckland, a Conservative, accuses Labour of undermining the Leveson inquiry.1.26pm: Robert Buckland, a Conservative, accuses Labour of undermining the Leveson inquiry.
Hunt accuses Labour of "rank opportunism".Hunt accuses Labour of "rank opportunism".
1.24pm: Labour's Bill Esterson says the more Tories claim Hunt is a man of integrity, the less the public are likely to believe him.1.24pm: Labour's Bill Esterson says the more Tories claim Hunt is a man of integrity, the less the public are likely to believe him.
John Bercow, the Speaker, says Esterson should not impugn the integrity of a fellow MP.John Bercow, the Speaker, says Esterson should not impugn the integrity of a fellow MP.
Esterson asks Hunt why he agreed that the key contact with News Corp should be a special adviser, not a civil servant.Esterson asks Hunt why he agreed that the key contact with News Corp should be a special adviser, not a civil servant.
Hunt says Esterson should look at the way the big decisions were taken.Hunt says Esterson should look at the way the big decisions were taken.
1.23pm: Hunt says News Corporation had "a large number" of points of contact with the Department for Culture.1.23pm: Hunt says News Corporation had "a large number" of points of contact with the Department for Culture.
1.22pm: Stephen Phillips, a Conservative, accuses Harriet Harman of contempt for due process because she is prejudging the Leveson inquiry. Hunt says this is an excellent point.1.22pm: Stephen Phillips, a Conservative, accuses Harriet Harman of contempt for due process because she is prejudging the Leveson inquiry. Hunt says this is an excellent point.
1.20pm: Labour's Nick Smith asks why Hunt did not manage his special adviser properly.1.20pm: Labour's Nick Smith asks why Hunt did not manage his special adviser properly.
Hunt says what happened is a matter of regret. But Labour had some lessons to learn from the way they handled special advisers.Hunt says what happened is a matter of regret. But Labour had some lessons to learn from the way they handled special advisers.
1.19pm: Michael Ellis, a Conservative, says Rupert Murdoch told the Leveson inquiry that Gordon Brown called Murdoch and told him he had "declared war" on him after the Sun decided to back the Tories. Does Hunt think Labour are using this as a self-serving opportunity to bash News International?1.19pm: Michael Ellis, a Conservative, says Rupert Murdoch told the Leveson inquiry that Gordon Brown called Murdoch and told him he had "declared war" on him after the Sun decided to back the Tories. Does Hunt think Labour are using this as a self-serving opportunity to bash News International?
Yes, says Hunt.Yes, says Hunt.
1.17pm: Peter Bone, a Conservative, asks Hunt to deny the claim that he leaked statements that were going to be made to parliament to News Corp in advance.1.17pm: Peter Bone, a Conservative, asks Hunt to deny the claim that he leaked statements that were going to be made to parliament to News Corp in advance.
Hunt says this is an allegation that has been made. It will have to be investigated by the Leveson inquiry, he says.Hunt says this is an allegation that has been made. It will have to be investigated by the Leveson inquiry, he says.
1.16pm: Tom Harris, a Labour former minister, says ministers normally spend more time talking to their special advisers than to their other officials or even to members of their families.1.16pm: Tom Harris, a Labour former minister, says ministers normally spend more time talking to their special advisers than to their other officials or even to members of their families.
Hunt says in his statment Adam Smith said he was acting without authorisation.Hunt says in his statment Adam Smith said he was acting without authorisation.
1.15pm: Labour's Kevin Brennan suggests that Hunt was using Adam Smith as his "invisible hand".1.15pm: Labour's Kevin Brennan suggests that Hunt was using Adam Smith as his "invisible hand".
Hunt says that, if that was the case, he would not have taken decisions that upset James Murdoch.Hunt says that, if that was the case, he would not have taken decisions that upset James Murdoch.
1.09pm: Anna Soubry, a Conservative, asks Hunt to assure people to that he acted with integrity.1.09pm: Anna Soubry, a Conservative, asks Hunt to assure people to that he acted with integrity.
Hunt says he can give this assurance. He says he can tell MPs that the prime minister has asked the cabinet secretary to write to ministers today ensuring that "rigorous procedures" are followed when departments have to take decisions in a quasi-judicial capacity and that all contacts between ministers, officials and special advisers should be properly recorded.Hunt says he can give this assurance. He says he can tell MPs that the prime minister has asked the cabinet secretary to write to ministers today ensuring that "rigorous procedures" are followed when departments have to take decisions in a quasi-judicial capacity and that all contacts between ministers, officials and special advisers should be properly recorded.
(It is not clear why Hunt is only announcing this now. Why didn't Cameron announce it at PMQs, or why did Hunt not announce it himself in his opening statement? Maybe it has only just been agreed by the cabinet secetary.)(It is not clear why Hunt is only announcing this now. Why didn't Cameron announce it at PMQs, or why did Hunt not announce it himself in his opening statement? Maybe it has only just been agreed by the cabinet secetary.)
1.08pm: Gregory Campbell, a DUP MP, asks if Hunt followed due process.1.08pm: Gregory Campbell, a DUP MP, asks if Hunt followed due process.
Hunt says he did follow due process.Hunt says he did follow due process.
1.07pm: Hunt says Adam Smith was not the only personal at the Deparment for Culture authorised to have contact with News Corporation.1.07pm: Hunt says Adam Smith was not the only personal at the Deparment for Culture authorised to have contact with News Corporation.
1.06pm: Hunt said he could have decided on his own to accept the undertakings in lieu offered by News Corporation. But instead he decided to consult the OFT about this.1.06pm: Hunt said he could have decided on his own to accept the undertakings in lieu offered by News Corporation. But instead he decided to consult the OFT about this.
1.05pm: Labour's Dave Watts says that Hunt did not need to speak to James Murdoch because his adviser was doing it for him.1.05pm: Labour's Dave Watts says that Hunt did not need to speak to James Murdoch because his adviser was doing it for him.
Hunt says that the decisions he took showed that he was not working for the Murdochs.Hunt says that the decisions he took showed that he was not working for the Murdochs.
1.03pm: Labour's Tony Lloyd asks if Jeremy Hunt knew about the content of the contacts between Adam Smith, his adviser, and Fred Michel, the lobbyists.1.03pm: Labour's Tony Lloyd asks if Jeremy Hunt knew about the content of the contacts between Adam Smith, his adviser, and Fred Michel, the lobbyists.
Hunt says he knew there was contact. But he did not see the communications, he did not know the volume of them and he did not know the tone of them.Hunt says he knew there was contact. But he did not see the communications, he did not know the volume of them and he did not know the tone of them.
1.02pm: Labour's Paul Farrelly says the phone hacking affair shows how widely News Corp's tentacles reached. Did Any Coulson have any contact with Hunt about this matter.1.02pm: Labour's Paul Farrelly says the phone hacking affair shows how widely News Corp's tentacles reached. Did Any Coulson have any contact with Hunt about this matter.
Hunt says he had no contact with Coulson about the bid when he was responsible for it.Hunt says he had no contact with Coulson about the bid when he was responsible for it.
(There are exclamations from some MPs, because he seems to be implying he discussed it with Coulson earlier.)(There are exclamations from some MPs, because he seems to be implying he discussed it with Coulson earlier.)
1.00pm: Labour's Jack Dromey asks Hunt if he is saying Leveson should report to Hunt about Hunt.1.00pm: Labour's Jack Dromey asks Hunt if he is saying Leveson should report to Hunt about Hunt.
Hunt says he wants Leveson to comment on a wide range of issues, including the "integrity" of Hunt's conduct.Hunt says he wants Leveson to comment on a wide range of issues, including the "integrity" of Hunt's conduct.
12.59pm: Labour's Dennis Skinner says when posh boys get in trouble, they sack the servants. He says that Hunt should tell "dodgy Dave" and "Gideon" (George Osborne) that he is resigning.12.59pm: Labour's Dennis Skinner says when posh boys get in trouble, they sack the servants. He says that Hunt should tell "dodgy Dave" and "Gideon" (George Osborne) that he is resigning.
12.58pm: Richard Graham, a Conservative, says the emails released yesterday record 54 conversations between Hunt and Fred Michel, the News Corp lobbyist. How many conversations were there?12.58pm: Richard Graham, a Conservative, says the emails released yesterday record 54 conversations between Hunt and Fred Michel, the News Corp lobbyist. How many conversations were there?
There were none, says Hunt.There were none, says Hunt.
12.57pm: Duncan Hames, a Lib Dem MP, says that, in the light of what has happened, Leveson should report directly to the prime minister, not to Hunt.12.57pm: Duncan Hames, a Lib Dem MP, says that, in the light of what has happened, Leveson should report directly to the prime minister, not to Hunt.
Hunt says Leveson will report to the prime minister through Hunt.Hunt says Leveson will report to the prime minister through Hunt.
12.55pm: Labour's Chris Bryant says every councillor in the land knows that a quasi-judicial decision involves. He says that David Cameron should come clean now about his meetings with News International, because things could get very tricky for him this afternoon.12.55pm: Labour's Chris Bryant says every councillor in the land knows that a quasi-judicial decision involves. He says that David Cameron should come clean now about his meetings with News International, because things could get very tricky for him this afternoon.
12.55pm: Mark Reckless, a Conservative, asks Hunt if he agrees that the emails show the shocking extent to which lobbyists exaggerate their influence. Hunt agrees.12.55pm: Mark Reckless, a Conservative, asks Hunt if he agrees that the emails show the shocking extent to which lobbyists exaggerate their influence. Hunt agrees.
12.53pm: Labour's Tom Watson asks Hunt if he is trying to persuade the nation that all these emails are the work of a single, rogue adviser.12.53pm: Labour's Tom Watson asks Hunt if he is trying to persuade the nation that all these emails are the work of a single, rogue adviser.
Hunt says Watson should not have used the word "incriminating". Watson should not prejudge the matter.Hunt says Watson should not have used the word "incriminating". Watson should not prejudge the matter.
12.53pm: Don Foster, a Lib Dem MP, asks if Hunt agrees that these decisions should not be made by politicians.12.53pm: Don Foster, a Lib Dem MP, asks if Hunt agrees that these decisions should not be made by politicians.
Hunt says this is a powerful point. He awaits to see what Leveson says on this.Hunt says this is a powerful point. He awaits to see what Leveson says on this.
12.50pm: Labour's Ben Bradshaw says Hunt said he followed Ofcom advice. He did not. Ofcom thought the bid should be referred to the Competition Commission.12.50pm: Labour's Ben Bradshaw says Hunt said he followed Ofcom advice. He did not. Ofcom thought the bid should be referred to the Competition Commission.
Hunt says Bradshaw is disappointed because he hoped yesterday would produce "a smoking gun". Hunt said he was minded to refer the bid to the Competition Commission. After that, the bidder has a right to offer undertakings in lieu. That is what happened.Hunt says Bradshaw is disappointed because he hoped yesterday would produce "a smoking gun". Hunt said he was minded to refer the bid to the Competition Commission. After that, the bidder has a right to offer undertakings in lieu. That is what happened.
12.43pm: Hunt says he is disappointed by Harman. She has chosen to play politics with this. When Labour were in power, Labour cosied up to Rupert Murdoch. Tony Blair flew half way across the world to, in Murdoch's words, make love to him like a scorpion. Blair became godfather to Murdoch's child.12.43pm: Hunt says he is disappointed by Harman. She has chosen to play politics with this. When Labour were in power, Labour cosied up to Rupert Murdoch. Tony Blair flew half way across the world to, in Murdoch's words, make love to him like a scorpion. Blair became godfather to Murdoch's child.
The Labour jeering is getting very loud. John Bercow intervenes.The Labour jeering is getting very loud. John Bercow intervenes.
Hunt says Labour should show some "humility".Hunt says Labour should show some "humility".
Hunt says he was not backing the bid. He had not made his mind up. His views were reported to the cabinet secretary, who decided it was acceptable for him to take charge of it. Because he had expressed some sympathy for the bid before he became responsible for it, he sought the advice of individual regulators. If he was backing the bid, he would not have done that.Hunt says he was not backing the bid. He had not made his mind up. His views were reported to the cabinet secretary, who decided it was acceptable for him to take charge of it. Because he had expressed some sympathy for the bid before he became responsible for it, he sought the advice of individual regulators. If he was backing the bid, he would not have done that.
Hunt says he took four decisions during the process. Each of those was contrary to what News Corp wanted.Hunt says he took four decisions during the process. Each of those was contrary to what News Corp wanted.
First, he said he was minded to refer it to the Competition Commission. James Murdoch did not want that.First, he said he was minded to refer it to the Competition Commission. James Murdoch did not want that.
Second, he said he would not accept undertakings in lieu until he received advice about whether they dealt with the plurality concerns. James Murdoch was angry about this.Second, he said he would not accept undertakings in lieu until he received advice about whether they dealt with the plurality concerns. James Murdoch was angry about this.
Third, he extended the consultation process.Third, he extended the consultation process.
Fourth, after the Milly Dowler revelations, he wrote to Ofcom asking if those were relevant.Fourth, after the Milly Dowler revelations, he wrote to Ofcom asking if those were relevant.
The idea that we was backing the bid "is laughable", he says.The idea that we was backing the bid "is laughable", he says.
Hunt turns to the emails from Fred Michel, the New Corp lobbyist. Michel has said the emails suggest his contact was with Hunt personally. But Michel has accepted that many of those records just relate to conversations with Hunt's adviser, Hunt says.Hunt turns to the emails from Fred Michel, the New Corp lobbyist. Michel has said the emails suggest his contact was with Hunt personally. But Michel has accepted that many of those records just relate to conversations with Hunt's adviser, Hunt says.
Hunt says the coalition set up the Leveson inquiry. It will lead to some of the most fundamental reforms to the press in a generation.Hunt says the coalition set up the Leveson inquiry. It will lead to some of the most fundamental reforms to the press in a generation.
12.39pm: Harriet Harman, the shadow culture secretary, is responding for Labour.12.39pm: Harriet Harman, the shadow culture secretary, is responding for Labour.
She says Vince Cable was not allowed to deal with the bid for BSkyB because he was thought to have made up his mind. But Hunt had made up his mind too.She says Vince Cable was not allowed to deal with the bid for BSkyB because he was thought to have made up his mind. But Hunt had made up his mind too.
Will Hunt explain how Fred Michel, the News Corp lobbyist, was able to give James Murdoch information about statements being made by Hunt to parliament in advance?Will Hunt explain how Fred Michel, the News Corp lobbyist, was able to give James Murdoch information about statements being made by Hunt to parliament in advance?
Either Michel was mystic meg, or he had been told.Either Michel was mystic meg, or he had been told.
When it came to the transparency that Hunt promised, there was a great deal of transparency for Murdoch, but very little for the opponents of the bid.When it came to the transparency that Hunt promised, there was a great deal of transparency for Murdoch, but very little for the opponents of the bid.
Hunt said he published information about all the exchanges between his deparment and News Corp. Does Hunt still think that is true?Hunt said he published information about all the exchanges between his deparment and News Corp. Does Hunt still think that is true?
Will Hunt confirm that, under the ministerial code, he is responsible for the conduct of his special adviser?Will Hunt confirm that, under the ministerial code, he is responsible for the conduct of his special adviser?
Hunt should have been impartial. But he was not. His conduct fell short of the standards required by his office. He was not judging the bid; he was helping the bid. He should resign.Hunt should have been impartial. But he was not. His conduct fell short of the standards required by his office. He was not judging the bid; he was helping the bid. He should resign.
12.34pm: Jeremy Hunt is making his statement now.12.34pm: Jeremy Hunt is making his statement now.
He will give evidence to Leveson in due course. But he wants to update MPs.He will give evidence to Leveson in due course. But he wants to update MPs.
We are 273 days into a process (the first stage of the Leveson inquiry) that will last until the autumn, he says. It is not right to jump on a bandwagon now.We are 273 days into a process (the first stage of the Leveson inquiry) that will last until the autumn, he says. It is not right to jump on a bandwagon now.
But he wants to set the record straight.But he wants to set the record straight.
Hunt says he sought independent advice, and followed it.Hunt says he sought independent advice, and followed it.
As part of the process, he and his offiicals engaged with News Corp and opponents of the proposed takeover.As part of the process, he and his offiicals engaged with News Corp and opponents of the proposed takeover.
The documents published yesterday have been taken as evidence that there was a backchannel that allowed News Corp to influence Hunt's decision. That was not the case, he says.The documents published yesterday have been taken as evidence that there was a backchannel that allowed News Corp to influence Hunt's decision. That was not the case, he says.
But the volume and tone of those communications in a quasi-judicial process, and Adam Smith has resigned as his special adviser.But the volume and tone of those communications in a quasi-judicial process, and Adam Smith has resigned as his special adviser.
Hunt says he thinks Smith did this unintentionally. He believes Smith to be a man of integrity and decency. He says he only saw the transcripts yesterday.Hunt says he thinks Smith did this unintentionally. He believes Smith to be a man of integrity and decency. He says he only saw the transcripts yesterday.
He says he will give his full record to Leveson. He has written to Leveson asking if he can give evidence soon.He says he will give his full record to Leveson. He has written to Leveson asking if he can give evidence soon.
He is confident that he will be able to show that he acted with scrupulous fairness.He is confident that he will be able to show that he acted with scrupulous fairness.
12.33pm: Labour's David Winnick says the government is sleazy. Cameron says Russell Brand "got it about right" when he insulted Winnick yesterday.12.33pm: Labour's David Winnick says the government is sleazy. Cameron says Russell Brand "got it about right" when he insulted Winnick yesterday.
12.32pm: Stephen Hammond, a Conservative, says no international body is saying Britain should spend more to get out of the debt crisis.12.32pm: Stephen Hammond, a Conservative, says no international body is saying Britain should spend more to get out of the debt crisis.
Cameron says it is not just that no international body is saying this. No business body is saying it too.Cameron says it is not just that no international body is saying this. No business body is saying it too.
12.31pm: Labour's Angela Smith accuss Cameorn of being complacent about the state of the economy and urges him to sack Jeremy Hunt.12.31pm: Labour's Angela Smith accuss Cameorn of being complacent about the state of the economy and urges him to sack Jeremy Hunt.
12.30pm: Stephen Lloyd, a Lib Dem MP, asks Cameron if he agrees that people who give money to charity are selfless.12.30pm: Stephen Lloyd, a Lib Dem MP, asks Cameron if he agrees that people who give money to charity are selfless.
Cameron says the government will consult "very widely" about how to ensure that the cap on tax relief does not limit giving.Cameron says the government will consult "very widely" about how to ensure that the cap on tax relief does not limit giving.
12.28pm: Bob Blackman, a Conservative, says Ken Livingstone has refused to publish the accounts of Silveta, the company he set up. He has ceased to be the old pretender and become the artful dodger.12.28pm: Bob Blackman, a Conservative, says Ken Livingstone has refused to publish the accounts of Silveta, the company he set up. He has ceased to be the old pretender and become the artful dodger.
Cameron says he agrees. And he had a shock this week when he found himself agreeing with Lord Sugar, who said people should not vote for Livingstone.Cameron says he agrees. And he had a shock this week when he found himself agreeing with Lord Sugar, who said people should not vote for Livingstone.
12.27pm: Andrew Griffiths, a Conservative, asks about a Taxpayers' Alliance report about how much council chief executives are paid.12.27pm: Andrew Griffiths, a Conservative, asks about a Taxpayers' Alliance report about how much council chief executives are paid.
Cameron says the government has introduced transparency.Cameron says the government has introduced transparency.
12.26pm: Cameron says the Leveson inquiry is going to interview all sorts of people who "cosied up" to News International. MPs on all sides of the Commons probably went to far in cosying up to Murdoch, he says.12.26pm: Cameron says the Leveson inquiry is going to interview all sorts of people who "cosied up" to News International. MPs on all sides of the Commons probably went to far in cosying up to Murdoch, he says.
12.25pm: David Amess, a Conservative, says his mother will be 100 next week. She lives near the Olympic stadium and has agreed to be Usain Bolt's pacemaker, he says.12.25pm: David Amess, a Conservative, says his mother will be 100 next week. She lives near the Olympic stadium and has agreed to be Usain Bolt's pacemaker, he says.
Cameron says he has already written to Amess's mother.Cameron says he has already written to Amess's mother.
12.23pm: Cameron repeats the line about Britain exporting more to Ireland than Brazil, India, China and Russia combined that Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister, described in a speech yesterday as inaccurate.12.23pm: Cameron repeats the line about Britain exporting more to Ireland than Brazil, India, China and Russia combined that Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister, described in a speech yesterday as inaccurate.
12.22pm: Labour's Iain McKenzie asks Cameron if he agrees with Nadine Dorries about the government being led by arrogant, posh boys.12.22pm: Labour's Iain McKenzie asks Cameron if he agrees with Nadine Dorries about the government being led by arrogant, posh boys.
Cameron says he agrees with Dorries about many things.Cameron says he agrees with Dorries about many things.
12.21pm: Craig Whittaker, a Conservative, asks about school building in Calder Valley.12.21pm: Craig Whittaker, a Conservative, asks about school building in Calder Valley.
Cameron says he is sure Michael Gove will be in touch with him about this.Cameron says he is sure Michael Gove will be in touch with him about this.
12.20pm: Labour's Mark Hendrick asks if Cameron still thinks Britain is out of the danger zones.12.20pm: Labour's Mark Hendrick asks if Cameron still thinks Britain is out of the danger zones.
Cameron says the government had to assure the financial markets that it would deal with the deficit.Cameron says the government had to assure the financial markets that it would deal with the deficit.
12.15pm: PMQs Snap Verdict: A clear win for Miliband, and possibly a landmark one, because Miliband resurrect the "sleaze" accusation and hurled it at Cameron. It reminded me faintly of the moment when Tony Blair accused John Major of being "knee deep in sleaze" (or was it chin deep - I can't remember). Cameron was reasonably good on the economy, but trying to deal with the Hunt allegations by arguing that we should just all wait for the Leveson report was feeble, and allowed Miliband to make a powerful point about Cameron being responsible for the integrity of his government.12.15pm: PMQs Snap Verdict: A clear win for Miliband, and possibly a landmark one, because Miliband resurrect the "sleaze" accusation and hurled it at Cameron. It reminded me faintly of the moment when Tony Blair accused John Major of being "knee deep in sleaze" (or was it chin deep - I can't remember). Cameron was reasonably good on the economy, but trying to deal with the Hunt allegations by arguing that we should just all wait for the Leveson report was feeble, and allowed Miliband to make a powerful point about Cameron being responsible for the integrity of his government.
12.11pm: Miliband says these are totally pathetic answers. Cameron is PM. If he can't defend the conduct of his ministers, they should be out of the door. Hunt told MPs that he was publishing all the exchanges between his deparment and News Corp. But he did not disclose the 163 pages published yesterday. Why is Cameron defending Hunt for not being straight with the Commons.12.11pm: Miliband says these are totally pathetic answers. Cameron is PM. If he can't defend the conduct of his ministers, they should be out of the door. Hunt told MPs that he was publishing all the exchanges between his deparment and News Corp. But he did not disclose the 163 pages published yesterday. Why is Cameron defending Hunt for not being straight with the Commons.
Cameron says Hunt has his "full support". Hunt will defend himself. And he will give a good acount, because he sought independent advice, at every stage, and took that advice, at every stage.Cameron says Hunt has his "full support". Hunt will defend himself. And he will give a good acount, because he sought independent advice, at every stage, and took that advice, at every stage.
Miliband says that "the shadow of sleaze" will hang over the government while Cameron continues to defend Hunt and refuse to come clean about his dealings with Murdoch.Miliband says that "the shadow of sleaze" will hang over the government while Cameron continues to defend Hunt and refuse to come clean about his dealings with Murdoch.
Cameron says this govenrment is sorting out problems left by the previous government. He says he won't duck his responsibilities. It is a pity that Miliband is ducking his.Cameron says this govenrment is sorting out problems left by the previous government. He says he won't duck his responsibilities. It is a pity that Miliband is ducking his.
12.06pm: Milband says this is all bluster. Cameron's plans have failed. As Tory backbenchers are saying, the arrogant posh boys don't get it.12.06pm: Milband says this is all bluster. Cameron's plans have failed. As Tory backbenchers are saying, the arrogant posh boys don't get it.
Turning to Jeremy Hunt, Miliband says Hunt and his office were providing a constant flow of confidential information to News Corporation. Having seen the 163 pages publishes yesterday, does Cameron really think Hunt was acting in a transparent and fair manner.Turning to Jeremy Hunt, Miliband says Hunt and his office were providing a constant flow of confidential information to News Corporation. Having seen the 163 pages publishes yesterday, does Cameron really think Hunt was acting in a transparent and fair manner.
Cameron says, on the economy, he will not let anyone forget who got us into this mess in the first place. More spending, more borrowing and more debt caused the problem. They cannot be the solution.Cameron says, on the economy, he will not let anyone forget who got us into this mess in the first place. More spending, more borrowing and more debt caused the problem. They cannot be the solution.
On Hunt, he says the terms of reference of the Leveson inquiry were agreed by Miliband. Trying to prejudge the inquiry would be wrong. He quotes from what Lord Justice Leveson said at the start of his hearing today. Leveson said it was important to hear every side of the story before drawing conclusions. He also said it would be best to allow the inquiry to proceed. Miliband should listen to it.On Hunt, he says the terms of reference of the Leveson inquiry were agreed by Miliband. Trying to prejudge the inquiry would be wrong. He quotes from what Lord Justice Leveson said at the start of his hearing today. Leveson said it was important to hear every side of the story before drawing conclusions. He also said it would be best to allow the inquiry to proceed. Miliband should listen to it.
Miliband says Leveson is responsible for many things, but not the integrity of the government. That's Cameron's responsibility. Hunt was not judging the bid. He was helping the bid. He was colluding with News Corp and hatching a plan to ensure it was "game over" for the opponents of the News Corp bid.Miliband says Leveson is responsible for many things, but not the integrity of the government. That's Cameron's responsibility. Hunt was not judging the bid. He was helping the bid. He was colluding with News Corp and hatching a plan to ensure it was "game over" for the opponents of the News Corp bid.
Cameron says Miliband is ignoring Leveson. Yesterday Miliband said it was right for the Leveson inquiry to take its course, Cameron says. It is typical of Miliband to say one thing in the morning, but to join a bandwagon in the afternoon.Cameron says Miliband is ignoring Leveson. Yesterday Miliband said it was right for the Leveson inquiry to take its course, Cameron says. It is typical of Miliband to say one thing in the morning, but to join a bandwagon in the afternoon.
12.03pm: Ed Miliband pays his own tribute to the dead solider.12.03pm: Ed Miliband pays his own tribute to the dead solider.
He says today we have had the "catastrophic news" that Britain is back in recession. Cameron has had 24 hours to think of an excuse. What is it?He says today we have had the "catastrophic news" that Britain is back in recession. Cameron has had 24 hours to think of an excuse. What is it?
Cameron says he does not seek to excuse the figures. The economic situation has just got tougher. Recovering from the deepest recession in living memory has been very tough. The government needs to rebalance the economy. It is "painstaking, difficult work".Cameron says he does not seek to excuse the figures. The economic situation has just got tougher. Recovering from the deepest recession in living memory has been very tough. The government needs to rebalance the economy. It is "painstaking, difficult work".
Miliband says this is "typical of this arrogant prime minster". The reality is that the recession has been made by Cameron and George Osborne in Downing Street. This is a slower recovery from recession than the 1930s. Why won't Cameron admit it? It is his austerity plan that has caused the recession.Miliband says this is "typical of this arrogant prime minster". The reality is that the recession has been made by Cameron and George Osborne in Downing Street. This is a slower recovery from recession than the 1930s. Why won't Cameron admit it? It is his austerity plan that has caused the recession.
Cameron says no single credible commentator, or international body, thinks these problems emerged over recent months. The government must not abandon deficit reduction.Cameron says no single credible commentator, or international body, thinks these problems emerged over recent months. The government must not abandon deficit reduction.
The solution to a debt crisis cannot be more debt.The solution to a debt crisis cannot be more debt.
No business organisation proposes this.No business organisation proposes this.
12.01pm: Gordon Henderson, a Conservative, asks Cameron about the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.12.01pm: Gordon Henderson, a Conservative, asks Cameron about the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
Cameron says British troops will not be in a combat role after 2014. The speed of withdrawal will be done in accordance with conditions on the ground.Cameron says British troops will not be in a combat role after 2014. The speed of withdrawal will be done in accordance with conditions on the ground.
12.01pm: David Cameron starts with a tribute to a soldier killed from wounds sustained in Afghanistan.12.01pm: David Cameron starts with a tribute to a soldier killed from wounds sustained in Afghanistan.
11.53am: Last week I said that Ed Miliband had never had a wider open goal at PMQs. Today the gap between the goalposts is even wider.11.53am: Last week I said that Ed Miliband had never had a wider open goal at PMQs. Today the gap between the goalposts is even wider.
The media may be hoping for Miliband to go on Murdoch but, for reasons well set out by Mark Ferguson at LabourList , Miliband is most likely to focus on the economy.The media may be hoping for Miliband to go on Murdoch but, for reasons well set out by Mark Ferguson at LabourList , Miliband is most likely to focus on the economy.
11.48am: More from Rupert Murdoch at Leveson.11.48am: More from Rupert Murdoch at Leveson.
I never let my commercial considerations, whatever they are, enter into any considerations at elections.I never let my commercial considerations, whatever they are, enter into any considerations at elections.
11.42am: Rupert Murdoch has just told the Leveson inquiry that he gave Kelvin MacKenzie "a helluva bollocking" after MacKenzie ran the "It was the Sun wot won it" headline. The headline was "tasteless" and wrong, Murdoch said.11.42am: Rupert Murdoch has just told the Leveson inquiry that he gave Kelvin MacKenzie "a helluva bollocking" after MacKenzie ran the "It was the Sun wot won it" headline. The headline was "tasteless" and wrong, Murdoch said.
It was wrong in fact. We do not have that sort of power.It was wrong in fact. We do not have that sort of power.
11.26am: Here's some Twitter reaction to the resignation of Adam Smith.11.26am: Here's some Twitter reaction to the resignation of Adam Smith.
From the Independent's Steve RichardsFrom the Independent's Steve Richards
Adam Smith was a cautious adviser..wd have acted in way Hunt desired. Hunt is a cautious minister..wd have acted in a way Cameron desired.Adam Smith was a cautious adviser..wd have acted in way Hunt desired. Hunt is a cautious minister..wd have acted in a way Cameron desired.
— steve richards (@steverichards14) April 25, 2012— steve richards (@steverichards14) April 25, 2012
From Channel 4 News's Michael CrickFrom Channel 4 News's Michael Crick
Ministerial Code says responsibility for "management and conduct of special advisers ... rests with the minister who made the appointment"Ministerial Code says responsibility for "management and conduct of special advisers ... rests with the minister who made the appointment"
— Michael Crick (@MichaelLCrick) April 25, 2012— Michael Crick (@MichaelLCrick) April 25, 2012
From ConservativeHome's Paul GoodmanFrom ConservativeHome's Paul Goodman
Whatever else may be said of it, Smith's resignation will do nothing for the morale of that toiling body, the SPADS.Whatever else may be said of it, Smith's resignation will do nothing for the morale of that toiling body, the SPADS.
— Paul Goodman (@PaulGoodmanCH) April 25, 2012— Paul Goodman (@PaulGoodmanCH) April 25, 2012
From the Guardian's Ian KatzFrom the Guardian's Ian Katz
We need to see emails/txts between Smith and Hunt to establish whether he was really acting beyond his authority or has been sacrificedWe need to see emails/txts between Smith and Hunt to establish whether he was really acting beyond his authority or has been sacrificed
— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 25, 2012— ian katz (@iankatz1000) April 25, 2012
From the Guardian's Patrick WintourFrom the Guardian's Patrick Wintour
Next questions So did Hunt not know what Smith was doing and did Smith's views not reflect those of the secretary of state ?Next questions So did Hunt not know what Smith was doing and did Smith's views not reflect those of the secretary of state ?
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) April 25, 2012— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) April 25, 2012
From the Observer's Toby HelmFrom the Observer's Toby Helm
Govt accused on Monday of blaming civil servants for its cock ups. Now it seems it blames special advisers. Not sustainable for one second.Govt accused on Monday of blaming civil servants for its cock ups. Now it seems it blames special advisers. Not sustainable for one second.
— Toby Helm (@tobyhelm) April 25, 2012— Toby Helm (@tobyhelm) April 25, 2012
11.23am: Tomorrow's public accounts committee hearing may be good. Jonathan Stephens, the permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, is giving evidence. He is there to talk about the Olympics, but it would be surprising if the MPs don't try to ask him about Jeremy Hunt and the News Corporation bid for BSkyB.11.23am: Tomorrow's public accounts committee hearing may be good. Jonathan Stephens, the permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, is giving evidence. He is there to talk about the Olympics, but it would be surprising if the MPs don't try to ask him about Jeremy Hunt and the News Corporation bid for BSkyB.
11.17am: Adam Smith, Jeremy Hunt's special adviser and News Corporation's key contact in his office, has resigned. Here's his resignation statement in full.11.17am: Adam Smith, Jeremy Hunt's special adviser and News Corporation's key contact in his office, has resigned. Here's his resignation statement in full.

While it was part of my role to keep News Corporation informed throughout the BskyB bid process, the content and extent of my contact was done without authorisation from the Secretary of State. I do not recognise all of what Fred Michel said, but nonetheless I appreciate that my activities at times went too far and have, taken together, created the perception that News Corporation had too close a relationship with the department, contrary to the clear requirements set out by Jeremy Hunt and the permanent secretary that this needed to be a fair and scrupulous process. Whilst I firmly believe that the process was in fact conducted scrupulously fairly, as a result of my activities it is only right for me to step down as special adviser to Jeremy Hunt.

While it was part of my role to keep News Corporation informed throughout the BskyB bid process, the content and extent of my contact was done without authorisation from the Secretary of State. I do not recognise all of what Fred Michel said, but nonetheless I appreciate that my activities at times went too far and have, taken together, created the perception that News Corporation had too close a relationship with the department, contrary to the clear requirements set out by Jeremy Hunt and the permanent secretary that this needed to be a fair and scrupulous process. Whilst I firmly believe that the process was in fact conducted scrupulously fairly, as a result of my activities it is only right for me to step down as special adviser to Jeremy Hunt.
11.05am: Here's some more reaction to the negative growth figures.11.05am: Here's some more reaction to the negative growth figures.
From Ed Balls (pictured), the shadow chancellorFrom Ed Balls (pictured), the shadow chancellor
David Cameron and George Osborne complacently boasted their austerity plan had taken our economy out of the danger zone, but their failed policies have plunged us back into recession.David Cameron and George Osborne complacently boasted their austerity plan had taken our economy out of the danger zone, but their failed policies have plunged us back into recession.
We consistently warned that their austerity plan was self-defeating and that cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast would badly backfire. David Cameron and George Osborne arrogantly and complacently dismissed people who warned of the risk of a double-dip recession and the country is now paying a very heavy price. Their economic credibility is now in tatters.

The reason why last month's budget is such a disaster for Britain is not just because it unfairly cut taxes for millionaires while clobbering families and pensioners, it also failed to come up with the plan for jobs and growth Britain desperately needs and we have been urging.
We consistently warned that their austerity plan was self-defeating and that cutting spending and raising taxes too far and too fast would badly backfire. David Cameron and George Osborne arrogantly and complacently dismissed people who warned of the risk of a double-dip recession and the country is now paying a very heavy price. Their economic credibility is now in tatters.

The reason why last month's budget is such a disaster for Britain is not just because it unfairly cut taxes for millionaires while clobbering families and pensioners, it also failed to come up with the plan for jobs and growth Britain desperately needs and we have been urging.
Not only has our economy shrunk in the last two quarters - a 0.5 per cent contraction, which means we are in recession - but our economy has actually shrunk by 0.2 per cent in the year and a half since George Osborne's spending review.Not only has our economy shrunk in the last two quarters - a 0.5 per cent contraction, which means we are in recession - but our economy has actually shrunk by 0.2 per cent in the year and a half since George Osborne's spending review.
And far from the Eurozone being to blame for Britain's woes, it was only growth in the EU and the rest of the world which kept us from going into recession earlier. Excluding exports, the domestic UK economy has now been in recession for over a year.

The chancellor needs to explain why America, which has taken a much more balanced approach with a jobs plan to boost growth, has more than recovered all the output it lost in the global recession while our economy is shrinking again.

The price of this recession is billions more borrowing to pay for economic failure. The Government's pledge to balance the books by 2015 is now in tatters and the next Labour government will have to clear up George Osborne's economic mess.

The longer this out of touch and incompetent Government sticks with these failed policies, the more damage will be done.
And far from the Eurozone being to blame for Britain's woes, it was only growth in the EU and the rest of the world which kept us from going into recession earlier. Excluding exports, the domestic UK economy has now been in recession for over a year.

The chancellor needs to explain why America, which has taken a much more balanced approach with a jobs plan to boost growth, has more than recovered all the output it lost in the global recession while our economy is shrinking again.

The price of this recession is billions more borrowing to pay for economic failure. The Government's pledge to balance the books by 2015 is now in tatters and the next Labour government will have to clear up George Osborne's economic mess.

The longer this out of touch and incompetent Government sticks with these failed policies, the more damage will be done.
From Graeme Leach, chief economist at the Institute of DirectorsFrom Graeme Leach, chief economist at the Institute of Directors
Although the fall in GDP in the first quarter was relatively small, the impact on the economy will be much greater because of the knock to consumer and business confidence.Although the fall in GDP in the first quarter was relatively small, the impact on the economy will be much greater because of the knock to consumer and business confidence.
Confidence has already take a battering from the euro crisis and today's news means companies are less likely to boost investment and recruitment this year.Confidence has already take a battering from the euro crisis and today's news means companies are less likely to boost investment and recruitment this year.
But even though we are back in recession, the IoD does not believe we should slow down on deficit reduction.But even though we are back in recession, the IoD does not believe we should slow down on deficit reduction.
From John Redwood, the Conservative MP, on his blogFrom John Redwood, the Conservative MP, on his blog
Over the last five years government has provided a large stimulus to total output, but the manuafacturing and mining sectors fell dramatically in the Credit Crunch of 2008-9 and have recovered very little since. The issue we need to address is how to create a faster private sector led recovery. The government has spent massively to offset the impact of the economic decline, which has entailed very large borrowings. Borrowing even more would be counter productive, as the private sector woudl have to pay the interest on the debt and ultimately repay the loans. The issue is how to get faster growth in the private sector, which is about all the issues on banking, taxation, regulation, transport and enegry that we often discuss here.Over the last five years government has provided a large stimulus to total output, but the manuafacturing and mining sectors fell dramatically in the Credit Crunch of 2008-9 and have recovered very little since. The issue we need to address is how to create a faster private sector led recovery. The government has spent massively to offset the impact of the economic decline, which has entailed very large borrowings. Borrowing even more would be counter productive, as the private sector woudl have to pay the interest on the debt and ultimately repay the loans. The issue is how to get faster growth in the private sector, which is about all the issues on banking, taxation, regulation, transport and enegry that we often discuss here.
11.03am: Another key quote from Rupert Murdoch.11.03am: Another key quote from Rupert Murdoch.
If you want to judge my thinking, look at the Sun.If you want to judge my thinking, look at the Sun.
10.58am: At Leveson Robert Jay tried to get Rupert Murdoch to admit that he was able to exert influence over his editors because they knew what they had to do to keep him happy. Murdoch said he set an example, but he also claimed he ran a decentralised organisation. Then Lord Justice Leveson intervened. The exchange is worth recording because it reveals what Leveson may be thinking.10.58am: At Leveson Robert Jay tried to get Rupert Murdoch to admit that he was able to exert influence over his editors because they knew what they had to do to keep him happy. Murdoch said he set an example, but he also claimed he ran a decentralised organisation. Then Lord Justice Leveson intervened. The exchange is worth recording because it reveals what Leveson may be thinking.
Q: Can we try this way, Mr Murdoch. That you have been on the stage, on the world stage, of the press for many, many years. You have seen many editors come and go. Your press interests have extended. It would not be at all surprising, would it, if those who worked for you recognised that you had an appreciation of events that it would be important for them to understand and that they should therefore take a different line only with caution, because of their respect for your views.Q: Can we try this way, Mr Murdoch. That you have been on the stage, on the world stage, of the press for many, many years. You have seen many editors come and go. Your press interests have extended. It would not be at all surprising, would it, if those who worked for you recognised that you had an appreciation of events that it would be important for them to understand and that they should therefore take a different line only with caution, because of their respect for your views.
A: I would hope so.A: I would hope so.
10.49am: Another key quote from Rupert Murdoch's evidence.10.49am: Another key quote from Rupert Murdoch's evidence.
We have never pushed our commercial interests in our newspapers.We have never pushed our commercial interests in our newspapers.
What about all those plugs for Sky in the Sun? Private Eye got a whole column out of them, I Sky.What about all those plugs for Sky in the Sun? Private Eye got a whole column out of them, I Sky.
10.46am: For the record, here are the YouGov GB polling figures from last night.10.46am: For the record, here are the YouGov GB polling figures from last night.
Labour: 43% (down 2 points from Monday night)
Conservatives: 32% (no change)
Lib Dems: 8% (no change)
Labour: 43% (down 2 points from Monday night)
Conservatives: 32% (no change)
Lib Dems: 8% (no change)
Labour lead: 11 pointsLabour lead: 11 points
Government approval: -40Government approval: -40
10.39am: The best quote of the Rupert Murdoch hearing so far is this one.10.39am: The best quote of the Rupert Murdoch hearing so far is this one.
I have never asked a prime minister for anything.I have never asked a prime minister for anything.

Robert Jay, the Leveson QC who is questioning Murdoch, responded by suggesting that Murdoch never needed to be quite so blunt.

Robert Jay, the Leveson QC who is questioning Murdoch, responded by suggesting that Murdoch never needed to be quite so blunt.
10.36am: Sky's Joey Jones has just posted this on Twitter.10.36am: Sky's Joey Jones has just posted this on Twitter.
jeremy hunt to make statement to parliament todayjeremy hunt to make statement to parliament today
— joeyjones (@joeyjonessky) April 25, 2012— joeyjones (@joeyjonessky) April 25, 2012
10.19am: Back to the growth figures for a moment.10.19am: Back to the growth figures for a moment.
From George Osborne (pictured), the chancellorFrom George Osborne (pictured), the chancellor
It's a very tough economic situation. It's taking longer than anyone hoped to recover from the biggest debt crisis of our lifetime – even after the recent fall in unemployment. But over many years this country built up massive debts, which we are having to pay off. It's made much harder when so much of the rest of Europe is in recession or heading into it. The one thing that would make the situation even worse would be to abandon our credible plan and deliberately add more borrowing and even more debt.It's a very tough economic situation. It's taking longer than anyone hoped to recover from the biggest debt crisis of our lifetime – even after the recent fall in unemployment. But over many years this country built up massive debts, which we are having to pay off. It's made much harder when so much of the rest of Europe is in recession or heading into it. The one thing that would make the situation even worse would be to abandon our credible plan and deliberately add more borrowing and even more debt.
From Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretaryFrom Brendan Barber, the TUC general secretary
This is worse than expected. There has been no growth over the last year, and the economy is 0.5 per cent smaller than six months ago.

Austerity isn't working. The government should look across the Atlantic and follow President Obama's alternative that has reduced unemployment and brought growth back to the USA.
This is worse than expected. There has been no growth over the last year, and the economy is 0.5 per cent smaller than six months ago.

Austerity isn't working. The government should look across the Atlantic and follow President Obama's alternative that has reduced unemployment and brought growth back to the USA.

From Tony Dolphin, senior economist at the IPPR thinktank

From Tony Dolphin, senior economist at the IPPR thinktank
The composition of growth is ... a blow for the chancellor who called for the economic recovery to be led by a 'march of the makers'. The recession is the result of large drops in manufacturing and construction output. While - as the chancellor has said - the crisis in the euro zone explains some of the weakness in manufacturing, the fall in construction is wholly a domestic problem, reflecting inadequate investment in housing and deep cuts in government capital spending.The composition of growth is ... a blow for the chancellor who called for the economic recovery to be led by a 'march of the makers'. The recession is the result of large drops in manufacturing and construction output. While - as the chancellor has said - the crisis in the euro zone explains some of the weakness in manufacturing, the fall in construction is wholly a domestic problem, reflecting inadequate investment in housing and deep cuts in government capital spending.
Today's figures mean the economy has grown by just 0.4 per cent since the second quarter of 2010, when the coalition embarked on its deficit reduction programme and promised that – thanks to so-called expansionary fiscal contraction – the private sector would rush to fill the gap created by higher taxes and cuts in public spending. As its critics pointed out at the time, this was a hopelessly optimistic view. Private companies have reacted to the prospect of austerity by showing extreme caution about increasing their investment spending and recruitment.Today's figures mean the economy has grown by just 0.4 per cent since the second quarter of 2010, when the coalition embarked on its deficit reduction programme and promised that – thanks to so-called expansionary fiscal contraction – the private sector would rush to fill the gap created by higher taxes and cuts in public spending. As its critics pointed out at the time, this was a hopelessly optimistic view. Private companies have reacted to the prospect of austerity by showing extreme caution about increasing their investment spending and recruitment.
From Jonathan Edwards, the Plaid Cymru Treasury spokesmanFrom Jonathan Edwards, the Plaid Cymru Treasury spokesman
These are disastrous figures and this 'double-dip' recession shows the abject failure of the UK Coalition's economic policies.These are disastrous figures and this 'double-dip' recession shows the abject failure of the UK Coalition's economic policies.
These figures show that the UK economy remains stagnant, years after the financial crisis began.These figures show that the UK economy remains stagnant, years after the financial crisis began.
We are now firmly looking at an economic lost decade – with most of the cuts still to come and most of the public sector job losses yet to take place.We are now firmly looking at an economic lost decade – with most of the cuts still to come and most of the public sector job losses yet to take place.
From Andrew Sissons, a researcher at the Work FoundationFrom Andrew Sissons, a researcher at the Work Foundation
The UK has fallen back into a technical recession, but the underlying state of the economy has not changed significantly. The economy has been stagnant for almost two years, and there are few signs that it is about to return to growth anytime soon.The UK has fallen back into a technical recession, but the underlying state of the economy has not changed significantly. The economy has been stagnant for almost two years, and there are few signs that it is about to return to growth anytime soon.
However, the return to recession may further dent confidence among businesses and consumers, and may further weaken prospects for a speedy recovery. This is not a time for knee-jerk reactions, but the government must put together a package in the autumn statement that provides more convincing support for investment and innovation for long-term growth.However, the return to recession may further dent confidence among businesses and consumers, and may further weaken prospects for a speedy recovery. This is not a time for knee-jerk reactions, but the government must put together a package in the autumn statement that provides more convincing support for investment and innovation for long-term growth.
From Ken Livingstone, Labour's candidate for mayorFrom Ken Livingstone, Labour's candidate for mayor

Tory policies clearly aren't working- they are hurting ordinary people. The Tory mayor in London boasted that he had cut further and faster than the Tory-led coalition. The effect is to make ordinary people worse off. Labour will make people better off. My pledges will make Londoners better off.

Tory policies clearly aren't working- they are hurting ordinary people. The Tory mayor in London boasted that he had cut further and faster than the Tory-led coalition. The effect is to make ordinary people worse off. Labour will make people better off. My pledges will make Londoners better off.
From Vicky Redwood, chief UK economist at Capital EconomicsFrom Vicky Redwood, chief UK economist at Capital Economics
The main disappointment was the meagre 0.1% rise in services output - the surveys had pointed to services growth of 0.5% or more. Even if the underlying picture is stronger than the official GDP figures show, there is no guarantee that the recent pick-up will continue.The main disappointment was the meagre 0.1% rise in services output - the surveys had pointed to services growth of 0.5% or more. Even if the underlying picture is stronger than the official GDP figures show, there is no guarantee that the recent pick-up will continue.
10.12am: Rupert Murdoch is giving evidence to the Leveson inquiry now.10.12am: Rupert Murdoch is giving evidence to the Leveson inquiry now.
You can follow the proceedings on our live blog.You can follow the proceedings on our live blog.
9.52am: Today's newspaper editorials will make grim reading for Jeremy Hunt today. There's one paper saying he definitely should go, three more saying he probably should go, and two which are merely highly critical. Only the Times seems non-committal.9.52am: Today's newspaper editorials will make grim reading for Jeremy Hunt today. There's one paper saying he definitely should go, three more saying he probably should go, and two which are merely highly critical. Only the Times seems non-committal.
Here's what they are saying. In the interests of fairness, it is worth pointing out that non-News International papers all had an interest in blocking News Corporation's bid for BSkyB on commercial grounds.Here's what they are saying. In the interests of fairness, it is worth pointing out that non-News International papers all had an interest in blocking News Corporation's bid for BSkyB on commercial grounds.
Extremely critical (ie, Hunt should go)Extremely critical (ie, Hunt should go)
The IndependentThe Independent
The Leveson Inquiry's exposure of endemic bribery of police and public officials by some News International journalists was shocking enough. But yesterday's revelations of what appears to be a "back channel" between the media group and the cabinet minister charged with ruling on its highly controversial plan to take over BSkyB cast even that into the shade. In the circumstances, the position of the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is untenable. He must resign.The Leveson Inquiry's exposure of endemic bribery of police and public officials by some News International journalists was shocking enough. But yesterday's revelations of what appears to be a "back channel" between the media group and the cabinet minister charged with ruling on its highly controversial plan to take over BSkyB cast even that into the shade. In the circumstances, the position of the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is untenable. He must resign.

Highly critical (ie, Hunt should probably go)

Highly critical (ie, Hunt should probably go)
Daily MailDaily Mail
The decision to put Jeremy Hunt in charge of ruling on whether Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation should be allowed to take full control of BSkyB – a deal with huge ramifications for the British media and public – always carried a bad smell.The decision to put Jeremy Hunt in charge of ruling on whether Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation should be allowed to take full control of BSkyB – a deal with huge ramifications for the British media and public – always carried a bad smell.
After all, the Culture and Media Secretary had gone on record to fawn that Mr Murdoch had 'done more to create variety and choice in British TV than any other single person'.After all, the Culture and Media Secretary had gone on record to fawn that Mr Murdoch had 'done more to create variety and choice in British TV than any other single person'.
Now, however, devastating emails released by the Leveson Inquiry have revealed that Mr Hunt was not merely a sycophant: he was apparently prepared to give the Murdoch empire utterly improper access to the inner sanctum of the Cameron government ...Now, however, devastating emails released by the Leveson Inquiry have revealed that Mr Hunt was not merely a sycophant: he was apparently prepared to give the Murdoch empire utterly improper access to the inner sanctum of the Cameron government ...
For now, Mr Hunt has the backing of the Prime Minister. He says he won't resign. He insists he conducted the process with scrupulous fairness. He argues that we have heard 'one side of the story' and that when he has his day at Leveson, a very different picture will emerge.For now, Mr Hunt has the backing of the Prime Minister. He says he won't resign. He insists he conducted the process with scrupulous fairness. He argues that we have heard 'one side of the story' and that when he has his day at Leveson, a very different picture will emerge.
But surely the damage is done. Mr Hunt's fitness for high office has been called into grave question.But surely the damage is done. Mr Hunt's fitness for high office has been called into grave question.
The GuardianThe Guardian
The emails – written by News Corp's European director of public affairs, Fred Michel – describe a pattern of behaviour that, if true, is indefensible. There could be no confidence that Mr Hunt had behaved in a manner that could remotely be described as "quasi-judicial", and he should resign. Mr Hunt's initial response has been to cast doubt on the accuracy of Mr Michel's account. The House of Commons, as well as the Leveson inquiry, should hear directly and in detail from the culture secretary as soon as possible. David Cameron acted swiftly to relieve Vince Cable of any responsibility for News Corp in December 2010 (while happily discussing the bid with James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks at a private meal days later). Unless it can plausibly be demonstrated that Mr Michel is an utterly unreliable witness, Mr Cameron must move or sack Mr Hunt.The emails – written by News Corp's European director of public affairs, Fred Michel – describe a pattern of behaviour that, if true, is indefensible. There could be no confidence that Mr Hunt had behaved in a manner that could remotely be described as "quasi-judicial", and he should resign. Mr Hunt's initial response has been to cast doubt on the accuracy of Mr Michel's account. The House of Commons, as well as the Leveson inquiry, should hear directly and in detail from the culture secretary as soon as possible. David Cameron acted swiftly to relieve Vince Cable of any responsibility for News Corp in December 2010 (while happily discussing the bid with James Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks at a private meal days later). Unless it can plausibly be demonstrated that Mr Michel is an utterly unreliable witness, Mr Cameron must move or sack Mr Hunt.
The Financial Times (subscription)The Financial Times (subscription)
A clutch of News Corp internal emails suggest that Mr Hunt may himself have been compromised. These messages – sent by a public-affairs executive, Frédéric Michel, to James Murdoch, then chairman of News Corp's UK arm – paint the picture of a minister eager to push the company's case for the Sky bid – both before and after he replaced Mr Cable. Mr Hunt is said to have referred to those who objected to the takeover as "the opposition" and to have repeatedly expressed a positive view of the deal. Especially serious is the claim that Mr Hunt's office leaked market-sensitive information to News Corp before announcing it to parliament ...A clutch of News Corp internal emails suggest that Mr Hunt may himself have been compromised. These messages – sent by a public-affairs executive, Frédéric Michel, to James Murdoch, then chairman of News Corp's UK arm – paint the picture of a minister eager to push the company's case for the Sky bid – both before and after he replaced Mr Cable. Mr Hunt is said to have referred to those who objected to the takeover as "the opposition" and to have repeatedly expressed a positive view of the deal. Especially serious is the claim that Mr Hunt's office leaked market-sensitive information to News Corp before announcing it to parliament ...
Mr Hunt must now respond to the revelations without delay. These are serious allegations. Unless he has good answers, it is hard to see how he can remain within the government.Mr Hunt must now respond to the revelations without delay. These are serious allegations. Unless he has good answers, it is hard to see how he can remain within the government.


The Daily TelegraphThe Daily Telegraph
Given Mr Hunt's obsequious relationship with the Murdoch empire, why on earth did David Cameron conclude he was a fit and proper person to decide on the takeover? Yet that is what the Prime Minister did in December 2010, when Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, was relieved of the responsibility after telling two undercover Daily Telegraph reporters that he had "declared war on Mr Murdoch". No 10 said that Mr Cameron believed Mr Cable's anti-Murdoch comments were "totally unacceptable and inappropriate". It seems that Mr Hunt's pro-Murdoch bias was both acceptable and appropriate ...Given Mr Hunt's obsequious relationship with the Murdoch empire, why on earth did David Cameron conclude he was a fit and proper person to decide on the takeover? Yet that is what the Prime Minister did in December 2010, when Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, was relieved of the responsibility after telling two undercover Daily Telegraph reporters that he had "declared war on Mr Murdoch". No 10 said that Mr Cameron believed Mr Cable's anti-Murdoch comments were "totally unacceptable and inappropriate". It seems that Mr Hunt's pro-Murdoch bias was both acceptable and appropriate ...
Mr Cameron's pro-Murdoch sympathies were also on display in his decision to employ as his director of communications Andy Coulson, the disgraced former News of the World editor; and in his refusal to condemn Mrs Brooks when she fell victim to the Metropolitan Police investigation into phone hacking and corruption. Mr Cameron even tried to hide the fact that he had ridden a horse that had been unofficially lent to Mrs Brooks by the Metropolitan Police. With this kind of example being set at the highest level, is it not entirely predictable that while Mr Hunt was considering the BSkyB takeover, back channels were running between his office and News Corp? It is unsurprising that Labour has called for the Culture Secretary's resignation: he has a lot of explaining to do. By the time Rupert Murdoch finishes his own testimony to Leveson, which will be heard today and tomorrow, so may the Prime Minister.Mr Cameron's pro-Murdoch sympathies were also on display in his decision to employ as his director of communications Andy Coulson, the disgraced former News of the World editor; and in his refusal to condemn Mrs Brooks when she fell victim to the Metropolitan Police investigation into phone hacking and corruption. Mr Cameron even tried to hide the fact that he had ridden a horse that had been unofficially lent to Mrs Brooks by the Metropolitan Police. With this kind of example being set at the highest level, is it not entirely predictable that while Mr Hunt was considering the BSkyB takeover, back channels were running between his office and News Corp? It is unsurprising that Labour has called for the Culture Secretary's resignation: he has a lot of explaining to do. By the time Rupert Murdoch finishes his own testimony to Leveson, which will be heard today and tomorrow, so may the Prime Minister.
Daily MirrorDaily Mirror
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is now desperately clinging on to his post after damning revelations.Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is now desperately clinging on to his post after damning revelations.
But Downing Street is using him as a human shield, worried that if he goes the trail moves closer to No10 and the PM.But Downing Street is using him as a human shield, worried that if he goes the trail moves closer to No10 and the PM.
Any sane person will conclude that when Business Secretary Vince Cable was stripped of responsibility for the Murdoch BSkyB bid because he had declared war on Rupert, Mr Hunt's job was to deliver the TV channels on a gold-plated salver to the Sun King.Any sane person will conclude that when Business Secretary Vince Cable was stripped of responsibility for the Murdoch BSkyB bid because he had declared war on Rupert, Mr Hunt's job was to deliver the TV channels on a gold-plated salver to the Sun King.
The Times (paywall)The Times (paywall)
Two immediate issues of ministerial propriety are raised by the proceedings at Leveson yesterday. The first is that Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, posed as a quasi-judicial authority but, it emerged, was abusing the power of his office to pursue an anti-Murdoch agenda.Two immediate issues of ministerial propriety are raised by the proceedings at Leveson yesterday. The first is that Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, posed as a quasi-judicial authority but, it emerged, was abusing the power of his office to pursue an anti-Murdoch agenda.
The question now is whether Jeremy Hunt, the Conservative Culture Secretary, did the same to pursue a pro-Murdoch agenda. To judge from his statements in Parliament, Mr Hunt followed due process and the independent advice that he received. Judging from the published e-mails, his office was too close to News Corp. At best, his office was providing a running commentary on a deal on which Mr Hunt was supposed to be adjudicating. At worst, he was betraying the confidences in government, offering market sensitive information to the bidder and helping to frame remedies that would help to secure the bid. These are the questions that Mr Hunt must now answer.The question now is whether Jeremy Hunt, the Conservative Culture Secretary, did the same to pursue a pro-Murdoch agenda. To judge from his statements in Parliament, Mr Hunt followed due process and the independent advice that he received. Judging from the published e-mails, his office was too close to News Corp. At best, his office was providing a running commentary on a deal on which Mr Hunt was supposed to be adjudicating. At worst, he was betraying the confidences in government, offering market sensitive information to the bidder and helping to frame remedies that would help to secure the bid. These are the questions that Mr Hunt must now answer.
The Sun and the Daily Express do not have editorials on Jeremy Hunt.The Sun and the Daily Express do not have editorials on Jeremy Hunt.
9.39am: Here's the start of the Press Assocation story about the growth figures.9.39am: Here's the start of the Press Assocation story about the growth figures.
The UK is back in recession after a surprise 0.2% contraction in the economy in the first quarter of the year, official figures revealed today.
The decline in gross domestic product (GDP) was driven by the biggest fall in construction output for three years, while the manufacturing sector failed to return to growth, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
The preliminary estimate, which may be revised later, means the UK is back in a technical recession - defined as two quarters of decline in a row.
The City had predicted the economy would scrape growth of 0.1% after a 0.3% fall in the previous quarter.
But the current downturn is expected to be nothing like as severe as the previous recession of 2008/09, which spanned more than a year.
The UK is back in recession after a surprise 0.2% contraction in the economy in the first quarter of the year, official figures revealed today.
The decline in gross domestic product (GDP) was driven by the biggest fall in construction output for three years, while the manufacturing sector failed to return to growth, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
The preliminary estimate, which may be revised later, means the UK is back in a technical recession - defined as two quarters of decline in a row.
The City had predicted the economy would scrape growth of 0.1% after a 0.3% fall in the previous quarter.
But the current downturn is expected to be nothing like as severe as the previous recession of 2008/09, which spanned more than a year.

There will be more reaction on our business live blog. But I'll be picking up the political reaction here, because this is hugely damaging for the government, which has made economic recovery its number one priority. When Ed Balls said that the coalition's austerity programme could create a double-dip recession, he was accuses of scaremongering. Today he will be able to say that he has been proved right, although the Treasury are saying that the crisis in the Eurozone, and not public spending cuts in the UK, are to blame for the economy stalling.

There will be more reaction on our business live blog. But I'll be picking up the political reaction here, because this is hugely damaging for the government, which has made economic recovery its number one priority. When Ed Balls said that the coalition's austerity programme could create a double-dip recession, he was accuses of scaremongering. Today he will be able to say that he has been proved right, although the Treasury are saying that the crisis in the Eurozone, and not public spending cuts in the UK, are to blame for the economy stalling.
9.32am: Here are more details from the release from the Office for National Statistics.9.32am: Here are more details from the release from the Office for National Statistics.
• The chained volume measure of GDP decreased by 0.2 per cent in Q1 2012• The chained volume measure of GDP decreased by 0.2 per cent in Q1 2012
• Output of the production industries decreased by 0.4 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 1.3 per cent in the previous quarter• Output of the production industries decreased by 0.4 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 1.3 per cent in the previous quarter
• Construction sector output decreased by 3.0 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 0.2 per cent in the previous quarter• Construction sector output decreased by 3.0 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 0.2 per cent in the previous quarter
• Output of the service industries increased by 0.1 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 0.1 per cent in the previous quarter• Output of the service industries increased by 0.1 per cent in Q1 2012, following a decrease of 0.1 per cent in the previous quarter
• GDP in volume terms is flat in Q1 2012, when compared with Q1 2011• GDP in volume terms is flat in Q1 2012, when compared with Q1 2011
And here is the ONS bulletin with the full details (pdf).
And here is the ONS bulletin with the full details (pdf).
9.31am: Britain is back in recession. Growth fell by 0.2% in the first three months of 2012.9.31am: Britain is back in recession. Growth fell by 0.2% in the first three months of 2012.
9.16am: Here's a fairly random selection of Murdoch tweets from this morning.9.16am: Here's a fairly random selection of Murdoch tweets from this morning.
From the FT's Ben FentonFrom the FT's Ben Fenton
Idle thought as I wait in rain for @rupertmurdoch. James M sd twice in evidence "that's not the way *I* do business. Not "we". #risingdampIdle thought as I wait in rain for @rupertmurdoch. James M sd twice in evidence "that's not the way *I* do business. Not "we". #risingdamp
— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 25, 2012— Ben Fenton (@benfenton) April 25, 2012
From the New Statesman's George EatonFrom the New Statesman's George Eaton
The Hunt story is the true fulfilment of Cameron's prediction that lobbying will be "the next big scandal".The Hunt story is the true fulfilment of Cameron's prediction that lobbying will be "the next big scandal".
— George Eaton (@georgeeaton) April 25, 2012— George Eaton (@georgeeaton) April 25, 2012
From the Conservative MP Louise MenschFrom the Conservative MP Louise Mensch
And if the subject of Jeremy Hunt comes up on the Daily Politics, after local press, I look forward to mounting a robust defence.And if the subject of Jeremy Hunt comes up on the Daily Politics, after local press, I look forward to mounting a robust defence.
— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) April 25, 2012— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) April 25, 2012
From Labour's Chris BryantFrom Labour's Chris Bryant
"I am going to be making a very, very determined effort to show that I behaved with total integrity" - the lackey doth protest too much?"I am going to be making a very, very determined effort to show that I behaved with total integrity" - the lackey doth protest too much?
— Chris Bryant (@ChrisBryantMP) April 25, 2012— Chris Bryant (@ChrisBryantMP) April 25, 2012
From the BBC's Andrew NeilFrom the BBC's Andrew Neil
Page 1 of New York Times has this inspired headline: "Murdoch case shifts it's focus to a Minister". And they wonder why #nyt in decline!Page 1 of New York Times has this inspired headline: "Murdoch case shifts it's focus to a Minister". And they wonder why #nyt in decline!
— Andrew Neil(@afneil) April 25, 2012— Andrew Neil(@afneil) April 25, 2012
From the Daily Telegraph's Michael DeaconFrom the Daily Telegraph's Michael Deacon
Rupert Murdoch at Leveson, 10am. Expected to begin by announcing, "This is the humblest day of David Cameron's life"Rupert Murdoch at Leveson, 10am. Expected to begin by announcing, "This is the humblest day of David Cameron's life"
— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) April 25, 2012— Michael Deacon (@MichaelPDeacon) April 25, 2012
9.01am: Lord Prescott (pictured), the Labour former deputy prime minister, has challenged Jeremy Hunt to make a statement about his dealings with the Murdochs to parliament.9.01am: Lord Prescott (pictured), the Labour former deputy prime minister, has challenged Jeremy Hunt to make a statement about his dealings with the Murdochs to parliament.
I can't understand why Mr Hunt - instead of applying to Leveson - why doesn't he come before the House of Commons and explain there is no truth in these allegations? If he is so clear that he has done his job properly and impartially, come and tell the House of Commons. Why ask Lord Justice Leveson as to whether he would allow him to appear before? It means delay, delay, delay.I can't understand why Mr Hunt - instead of applying to Leveson - why doesn't he come before the House of Commons and explain there is no truth in these allegations? If he is so clear that he has done his job properly and impartially, come and tell the House of Commons. Why ask Lord Justice Leveson as to whether he would allow him to appear before? It means delay, delay, delay.
8.55am: Harriet Harman (pictured), the Labour deputy leader, has been renewing her attack on Jeremy Hunt. This is what she told BBC News. I've take the quote from PoliticsHome.8.55am: Harriet Harman (pictured), the Labour deputy leader, has been renewing her attack on Jeremy Hunt. This is what she told BBC News. I've take the quote from PoliticsHome.

I'm afraid it is absolutely evident that, although his responsibility was to act not like a politician but like a judge, in a quasi-judicial capacity, and be completely impartial, even before he took on that responsibility he had already shown himself to be in favour of the bid. He then gave information to one side, and when you are making a decision between those people in favour of the bid – Murdoch – and those against, you can't be giving information to one side, helping one side. You are supposed to step back, like a judge.

I'm afraid it is absolutely evident that, although his responsibility was to act not like a politician but like a judge, in a quasi-judicial capacity, and be completely impartial, even before he took on that responsibility he had already shown himself to be in favour of the bid. He then gave information to one side, and when you are making a decision between those people in favour of the bid – Murdoch – and those against, you can't be giving information to one side, helping one side. You are supposed to step back, like a judge.
8.41am: Here is what some Tories are saying about Jeremy Hunt's position today.8.41am: Here is what some Tories are saying about Jeremy Hunt's position today.
George Eustice (pictured), a Conservative MP, said that Jeremy Hunt behaved properly and that News Corporation's lobbyist, Frédéric Michel, exaggerated the extent of his contacts with Hunt.George Eustice (pictured), a Conservative MP, said that Jeremy Hunt behaved properly and that News Corporation's lobbyist, Frédéric Michel, exaggerated the extent of his contacts with Hunt.
I think he [Hunt] has been scrupulous in this. There's a huge number of emails that have obviously come out from News International on a whole range of things but what this really shows, this trail of emails, is that Fred Smith, the lobbyist who worked for the Murdochs, was trying to get in touch, trying to find out information, doing what lobbyists quite often do, which is exaggerating things.I think he [Hunt] has been scrupulous in this. There's a huge number of emails that have obviously come out from News International on a whole range of things but what this really shows, this trail of emails, is that Fred Smith, the lobbyist who worked for the Murdochs, was trying to get in touch, trying to find out information, doing what lobbyists quite often do, which is exaggerating things.
Damian Collins, a Conservative MP, also defended Hunt, saying that Hunt scrupulously followed advice and that he was entitled to have contacts with News Corporation.Damian Collins, a Conservative MP, also defended Hunt, saying that Hunt scrupulously followed advice and that he was entitled to have contacts with News Corporation.
He was the culture secretary, he was in charge of media in the country, in the cabinet. It was perfectly reasonable to understand that he might talk from time to time to people who own some of the biggest media owners in the country.He was the culture secretary, he was in charge of media in the country, in the cabinet. It was perfectly reasonable to understand that he might talk from time to time to people who own some of the biggest media owners in the country.
Lord Fowler, a Conservative peer, said that he expected Hunt to make a statement in the Commons and that the affair showed why ministers should not be involved in media takeover decisions.Lord Fowler, a Conservative peer, said that he expected Hunt to make a statement in the Commons and that the affair showed why ministers should not be involved in media takeover decisions.

I imagine [Hunt will] go to the floor of the House and I'd like to listen to that statement ... I think what it really demonstrates once again is that you should take ministers out of the media decision process.

I imagine [Hunt will] go to the floor of the House and I'd like to listen to that statement ... I think what it really demonstrates once again is that you should take ministers out of the media decision process.
I've taken the quotes from PoliticsHome.I've taken the quotes from PoliticsHome.
8.30am: What a day. For anyone remotely interested in the way Britain works, the next 12 hours are going to be fascinating. Rupert Murdoch has exercised extraordinary influence over British politics for more than 30 years but, as Robert Peston says on his blog this morning, he has never been held to account in the way that he will be when he gives evidence to the Leveson inquiry today. We'll be covering the hearing in detail on a separate live blog, but I'll be picking up some of the political reaction here. And I'll be reporting on Jeremy Hunt's attempts to rescue his reputation in the light of the evidence that emerged yesterday. This morning Hunt said that he would be making a "very, very determined effort" to clear his name.8.30am: What a day. For anyone remotely interested in the way Britain works, the next 12 hours are going to be fascinating. Rupert Murdoch has exercised extraordinary influence over British politics for more than 30 years but, as Robert Peston says on his blog this morning, he has never been held to account in the way that he will be when he gives evidence to the Leveson inquiry today. We'll be covering the hearing in detail on a separate live blog, but I'll be picking up some of the political reaction here. And I'll be reporting on Jeremy Hunt's attempts to rescue his reputation in the light of the evidence that emerged yesterday. This morning Hunt said that he would be making a "very, very determined effort" to clear his name.
I have made my position clear. I am going to be making a very, very determined effort to show that I behaved with total integrity, and conducted this process scrupulously fairly.I have made my position clear. I am going to be making a very, very determined effort to show that I behaved with total integrity, and conducted this process scrupulously fairly.
Hunt wants to give evidence to the Leveson inquiry very soon. But there's a strong chance that he could end up making a statement in the Commons about it today, perhaps in response to an urgent question from Labour. Even if we don't hear from Hunt, the subject is going to dominate PMQs.Hunt wants to give evidence to the Leveson inquiry very soon. But there's a strong chance that he could end up making a statement in the Commons about it today, perhaps in response to an urgent question from Labour. Even if we don't hear from Hunt, the subject is going to dominate PMQs.
I'll be focusing on the Murdoch fallout today, but we've also got important growth figures coming out. Here's the full agenda for the day.I'll be focusing on the Murdoch fallout today, but we've also got important growth figures coming out. Here's the full agenda for the day.
9.30am: Growth figures are published for the first three months of 2012. They will show whether or not Britain has slipped back into recession. We'll be covering this in detail on our business live blog.

10am: Rupert Murdoch gives evidence to the Leveson inquiry.
9.30am: Growth figures are published for the first three months of 2012. They will show whether or not Britain has slipped back into recession. We'll be covering this in detail on our business live blog.

10am: Rupert Murdoch gives evidence to the Leveson inquiry.
10am: The Institute of Directors annual convention opens. Nick Clegg and Alex Salmond are both speaking.10am: The Institute of Directors annual convention opens. Nick Clegg and Alex Salmond are both speaking.
10am: Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, gives evidence to the Commons public administration committee on business appointments rules.10am: Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, gives evidence to the Commons public administration committee on business appointments rules.
12pm: David Cameron and Ed Miliband clash at PMQs.12pm: David Cameron and Ed Miliband clash at PMQs.
As usual, I'll be covering all the breaking political news, as well as looking at the papers and bringing you the best politics from the web. I'll post a lunchtime summary before 12.30pm and another in the afternoon.As usual, I'll be covering all the breaking political news, as well as looking at the papers and bringing you the best politics from the web. I'll post a lunchtime summary before 12.30pm and another in the afternoon.
If you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm on @AndrewSparrow.If you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm on @AndrewSparrow.
And if you're a hardcore fan, you can follow @gdnpoliticslive. It's an automated feed that tweets the start of every new post that I put on the blog.And if you're a hardcore fan, you can follow @gdnpoliticslive. It's an automated feed that tweets the start of every new post that I put on the blog.