The rapper who became a Labour councillor

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'People considered it to be an unwinnable situation," explains the rapper known as Dwain Xain Zedong. "In the election in 2008, Labour came third in that seat, but we've been out knocking on doors almost every day since January."

One of nine members of Welsh comedy hip-hop group Goldie Lookin Chain – best known for their 2004 hit Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do – Zedong also goes by the names P Xain and Zardoz. And, as of last week's elections he can add a new alias to the list: Labour councillor Rhys Hutchings of Newport.

Hutchings, who came second in the poll with 981 votes, decided to become involved in politics around two years ago, when his satirical, bling-soaked band – also responsible for such hits as Your Missus Is a Nutter and Your Mother's Got a Penis – started organising gigs and events in their hometown with the support of the city council. "I actually went to some council meetings and I was quite amazed at what goes on there, and realised I could make a difference myself."

His campaign has kept him away from GLC bandmates such as Adam Hussain, Maggot (best known for his appearance alongside George Galloway in the 2006 series of Celebrity Big Brother), Mystikal, The Druid, The Alchemist and Dr Boris Gobshite, four of whom are in fact the same person. "We are still doing the band stuff but I've been working so hard on trying to get our message across and meet as many people as possible that we've kind of had it a little bit on hold." In fact, the rest of the group's involvement was minimal. "Every now and then one of them might give me a lift. We'd stop off for an hour at the studio, do some rapping, and then I'd go back out and knock on doors."

Despite his successful transition from goofy MC to politician, Hutchings suspects the rest of the band won't be following him into public service. "I'm trying to drip-feed them into it. There's nine people in the band and if I get the other eight of them to get out and vote that's a great start. I'd love to get them all involved but I don't think any of them would run, really."

So much for our dreams of a ballot paper offering a choice between Grayham the Bear, Knobber Cloutface, Mr Love-Eggs and Professor Bongo.