London transport museum funding cuts

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The London Transport Museum is a fantastic example of a museum that has worked hard to generate funding through commercial sponsors and individuals (Letters, 3 May). Transport for London still provides generous financial support. But TfL's own funding from government has been cut, so we need to make billions of pounds in savings across TfL to protect essential frontline transport services and investment. Our contribution to the museum must, therefore, reduce to more sustainable levels. By 2014-15 our contribution will have been cut by £1.5m, but this still leaves an extremely generous level of funding from TfL and phasing the changes over four years allows the museum time to build alternative sources of funding. We must also face up to other realities. For example, we need to align entry salary levels at the museum with those paid elsewhere in the cultural and museum sector. We are proud of the Transport Museum. It tells a compelling story of how transport shapes London and will continue its invaluable educational activities. We would be delighted if the Transport Salaried Staff Association and other individuals with an interest would join the many other contributors to its funding and success.<br /><strong>Vernon Everitt</strong><br /><em>Transport for London</em>