François Hollande's victory is music to the ears of black French people

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Throughout the French election campaign, as race and immigration became heated topics, many of my black and African French friends were joking that perhaps they should start packing their bags. These guys are some of France's best artists, they are internationally renowned musicians, award-winning authors, great intellectuals and humanitarians, and even they felt that if Nicolas Sarkozy won, things were going to get very difficult for them. Now, they are all unpacking. They can stay, they are part of France's future, and they can help to make France great again.

I watched the French election results on the television from my home in Dakar, Senegal. I wanted to know what the candidates' views were beyond France. François Hollande was talking in very clear way about France's role and responsibilities on the international scene. The more I heard him speak, the worse Sarkozy sounded.

There was a speech Sarkozy made in Dakar where he said black people didn't get a chance to make history. For him to say that in Africa shows how much he misunderstands our experience. Black people have been creating so much for so long – in science, in literature, in the arts, in technology. It was shocking that Sarkozy said such a thing. Compare this with Hollande, who talks a lot about how to make sure immigrants can work and be a part of society. Hollande appreciates their role in building the future of the country.

Things are different now from when I was a student in Paris in the 80s. Not very long ago, you absolutely had to have your passport with you at all times, because at any moment you could be stopped by the police. If you didn't have it on you, you were in a lot of trouble.

Even so, French fans were always incredibly warm to me. I tour there every summer, from Paris to Marseille, from Le Havre to Strasbourg, and I always have a wonderful time. Now that Hollande is in, let's hope the administration changes its treatment of the black French.

It is important for the second and third generation of children of immigrants who were born in France to be part of the system: to be included, to be able to get work, not excluded for having the "wrong" name or the "wrong" address, which is the case at the moment.

France is not a divided country, but it is often confused. How does France remain French, at the same time as being global? France sometimes doesn't know whether it should be looking to the past or to the future. Sarkozy was about the past, and old France.

Marine le Pen of the National Front got such a strong vote in the first round because of the people who were disappointed by Sarkozy. But all the talk of immigration by both of them was wrong-headed and confused. Immigration and religion are not the same issue.

Many Muslims in France have been living there for 40 years, being model citizens. And in the same way there are many migrants who are not Muslim, who also bring so much to France. Whether they are from Angola, Senegal, Ivory Coast or elsewhere, these people are part of a dynamic Africa, and they bring with them their knowledge, their experience and their passion – and we all speak French. France should see these people as a valuable asset, and I think Hollande does.

The crowds celebrating Hollande's victory were so diverse. The smiling faces were of all colours: are we not one race, the human race? And the really encouraging thing was that so many of them were the younger generation. These kids are open to change, and they know France has to remain modern to get out of the current crisis.

I'm Senegalese and France is very connected to my country. France needs to open its eyes to the potential of its former colonies and to realise that these relationships have changed. People want to collaborate but with mutual respect. Whether that's a respect for our culture, for our governments or for our business potential. It's about sitting around the same table and talking together as equals. Of course our relationship hasn't always been easy but we are in it together.

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