Egyptian elections: live Q&A

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The Egyptian elections are a democratic milestone in the Arab world's most populous country. A dozen candidates – secular and religious, left and right – are on the ballot paper. Amr Moussa, once a foreign minister under Hosni Mubarak, and Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, an independent Islamist, are given the best chance of winning, but this race is anything but predictable.

The runup has been marred by sporadic outbreaks of violence as the mood on the streets remains volatile and factional. And aside from the democratic outcome, Egypt is still fraught with questions. What powers will the new president have? How will the drafting of a new constitution be handled? And what role will the military play in the new constitutional order?

<strong>Ian Black will be answering your queries live from 2pm BST on Tuesday 22 May. Put your questions to him now</strong>