Risk of falling into poverty in the UK remains above EU average


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10.7 million people in the UK were defined as being at risk of poverty in 2010, with the highest risk level among those over the age of 65, according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

17.1% of the UK's population was at risk of poverty in 2010, slightly above the EU average of 16.4%.

The ONS defines the at-risk-of-poverty rate as 'the share of people with an equivalised disposable income (after social transfers) below 60 per cent of the national median.'

The UK rate was higher than the group average every year from 2005 to 2010, but has dropped by almost two percentage points over the same period while the EU rate has remained roughly constant.

Browse annual changes in poverty-risk rates throughout the EU using this interactive visualisation from the ONS.

21.4% of over-65s in the UK were at risk of poverty in 2010 - a higher rate than any other age group - in contrast with the situation across the EU as a whole where 18-24-year-olds were the most poverty-threatened cohort.

Despite drops in risk to 18-24-year-olds and the elderly, these groups remained the most at-risk in the UK in 2010. People aged between 25 and 49 were at the lowest risk - 13.7%, while across the EU as a whole the lowest rate was among 50-64-year-olds (13.6%).

Females are at higher risk than males both in the UK and averaged across the EU. The gender disparity is the same - 1.4% - for both regions.

Only in four EU countries - Hungary, Luxembourg, Lithuania and latvia - were males at higher risk of entering poverty than females in 2010.

The video below provides more information on the key statistics in the ONS report.

Data summary

UK and EU-average rates of poverty risk, 2010

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Source: ONS

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