Newspaper review: Greek crisis worrying papers

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The situation in Greece is the focus of many of the papers. <a href=",Authorised=false.html?" >The Financial Times says the country must</a> "return to living within its means."

<a href="" >Greece, says the Times,</a> "still finds it impossible to meet the austerity measures" demanded by Europe.

<a href="" >The Daily Mail says "the slow-motion car crash</a> of the single currency seems set to continue".

With "ever-more frequent demands for sticking plaster bail-outs" and "ever-greater threats to civil order."

'Herculean task'

Some look at the politician who must try to lead Greece out of the crisis.

<a href="" >The Independent says Antonis Samaras </a>has struggled to win over even those politicians who share his views and he is "regarded as a lightweight with dangerous populist tendencies".

<a href="" >The Guardian thinks he's an "ambitious politician". </a>

But it judges his task is "Herculean" because finances are "in tatters," its administration is "in decay," and its people are "broken by austerity".

Arab Winter

No greater sense of optimism lifts the mood when the papers turn to Egypt.

<a href="" >The Times suggests that little more than a year</a> after the Arab Spring, we are witnessing an "Arab Winter."

It argues that the ruling military council "has in effect mounted a pre-emptive and bloodless coup against the political process".

<a href="" >The Guardian expects the transition</a> from a military council to an elected president will be "chaotic and possibly turbulent."

Football hopes

The tabloids pin their hopes of an improvement in the public mood on England's performance at Euro 2012.

<a href="" >"With Wayne Rooney back," says the Daily Express,</a> "and confidence soaring, what could possibly go wrong?"

<a href="" >The Sun thinks "the nation will be praying" </a>and says, "while we don't want to put the mockers on it, things are definitely looking up."

<a href="" >"At first we were just hoping," says the Daily Mirror, </a>"now many of us are daring to believe."