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Parties vie for power in Poland Polish coalition crisis defused
(about 1 hour later)
Opposition parties in Poland have moved to force early elections - but their plan still faces significant obstacles. A junior coalition partner has said it will remain in Poland's conservative government, defusing what had appeared to be an escalating crisis.
The latest turmoil was triggered by the dismissal of Deputy Prime Minister Andrzej Lepper on Monday. The pledge by the Self-Defence Party came despite the dismissal of its leader, Deputy Prime Minister Andrzej Lepper, from the cabinet on Monday.
He heads the main coalition partner of conservative PM Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Self-Defence Party. But it has not yet formally pulled out of the coalition. He said Self-Defence was "staying in the coalition, conditionally".
Mr Lepper was sacked over allegations that he was involved in a major agricultural corruption scandal. He demanded proof, by Friday, for claims that he was linked to a huge agricultural corruption scandal.
It is alleged that millions of dollars was paid in bribes to redesignate agricultural land for commercial use. He denies any involvement. His dismissal by Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski - prompted by the scandal claims - had raised the possibility of an early election.
It is alleged that millions of dollars was paid in bribes to redesignate agricultural land for commercial use. Mr Lepper - who was also agriculture minister - denies any involvement.
He has ruled out returning to the government.
"We want evidence against me presented by Friday - recordings, allegedly tapes, conversations - please present them to public opinion," Mr Lepper said.
Pressure on governmentPressure on government
The biggest opposition party, the centre-right Civic Platform, says it plans to table no-confidence motions in all the cabinet ministers. Earlier, the main opposition parties Civic Platform and Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) submitted motions to dissolve parliament.
Civic Platform and the left-wing opposition Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) have already submitted motions to dissolve parliament. The prime minister said he was not afraid of an early electionBut correspondents say the motions are unlikely to be put to a vote before September, as deputies will shortly go on their summer break.
Mr Lepper claimed his move would bring down the government But correspondents say the motions are unlikely to be put to a vote before September, as deputies will shortly go on their summer break.
Prime Minister Kaczynski's Law and Justice Party narrowly won parliamentary elections in 2005, but has faced difficulties in implementing its right-wing economic reform programme.Prime Minister Kaczynski's Law and Justice Party narrowly won parliamentary elections in 2005, but has faced difficulties in implementing its right-wing economic reform programme.
He has not ruled out keeping the Self-Defence Party in the government, provided Mr Lepper - who is also agriculture minister - stays out.
Mr Kaczynski told a news conference on Monday that an early election might be the only solution to the political crisis.
"The aggression of the opposition makes it impossible to have a minority government," he said.
An election could be held in the autumn, two years ahead of schedule.
Self Defence has 46 deputies in the 460-seat Sejm, the lower house of the parliament. Without them, the government can count on the support of only 203 deputies - far short of the 231 needed for a majority.Self Defence has 46 deputies in the 460-seat Sejm, the lower house of the parliament. Without them, the government can count on the support of only 203 deputies - far short of the 231 needed for a majority.
Mr Lepper was also sacked from the government last year in a dispute over the budget - but his party was welcomed back later to shore up the coalition.Mr Lepper was also sacked from the government last year in a dispute over the budget - but his party was welcomed back later to shore up the coalition.
His latest dismissal came after the Anti-Corruption Office, a government body, arrested two men in connection with the agricultural corruption scandal.His latest dismissal came after the Anti-Corruption Office, a government body, arrested two men in connection with the agricultural corruption scandal.