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New version of jump jet unveiled New version of jump jet unveiled
(20 minutes later)
The latest version of the Harrier strike jet is being officially unveiled at a ceremony in Rutland.The latest version of the Harrier strike jet is being officially unveiled at a ceremony in Rutland.
The GR9 jet has more powerful engines and better electronics systems.The GR9 jet has more powerful engines and better electronics systems.
The planes will be unveiled at RAF Cottesmore where the fleet - flown by both the RAF and Royal Navy - is being upgraded to the new specification.The planes will be unveiled at RAF Cottesmore where the fleet - flown by both the RAF and Royal Navy - is being upgraded to the new specification.
The jet will eventually be phased out when the new Joint Combat Aircraft arrives in the next decade, Defence Procurement Minister Adam Ingram said.The jet will eventually be phased out when the new Joint Combat Aircraft arrives in the next decade, Defence Procurement Minister Adam Ingram said.
Union angerUnion anger
The decision to carry out the upgrade work at the base - rather than a purpose-built facility in Wales - was opposed by unions when it was announced earlier this year.The decision to carry out the upgrade work at the base - rather than a purpose-built facility in Wales - was opposed by unions when it was announced earlier this year.
The Ministry of Defence justified the move - criticised by a financial watchdog - on the basis that it would help get aircraft to the frontline more quickly.The Ministry of Defence justified the move - criticised by a financial watchdog - on the basis that it would help get aircraft to the frontline more quickly.
The Ministry of Defence could face an employment tribunal over claims it acted unlawfully in sacking hundreds of workers at St Athan in South Wales.The Ministry of Defence could face an employment tribunal over claims it acted unlawfully in sacking hundreds of workers at St Athan in South Wales.
Amicus has launched a legal challenge accusing the MoD of unlawful treatment of the workers it sacked.Amicus has launched a legal challenge accusing the MoD of unlawful treatment of the workers it sacked.
The MoD last week released dramatic footage of Harrier pilots bombing Taliban targets in Afghanistan in an attempt to improve the public's perception of the work of the RAF. The MoD last week released dramatic footage of Harrier pilots bombing Taleban targets in Afghanistan in an attempt to improve the public's perception of the work of the RAF.
An Army major had, in leaked emails, described it as "utterly, utterly useless" in protecting troops on the ground. An Army major had, in leaked e-mails, described it as "utterly, utterly useless" in protecting troops on the ground.