Courtney Love planning Kurt Cobain musical, says manager

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Courtney Love is allegedly planning a musical based on her relationship with Kurt Cobain. Although the project is only at an embryonic stage, the singer's co-manager said they hope to turn the story into a stage musical or feature film.

"[We] are currently working on a possible motion picture or Broadway musical based on the Nirvana catalogue, based on [Courtney's] life and Kurt Cobain's," Sam Lufti said. He wasn't talking idly: Lufti made the comments under oath, as part of his lawsuit against ex-client Britney Spears.

Pursued by the New York Daily News, Lufti made it clear that it will be a long time before we see something like Heart-Shaped Box: The Tale of Kurt and Courtney. "It's an idea," he said outside the courtroom. "I'm sorry. I can't say anything more." An unnamed "insider" explained that Love has been "talking about doing a movie or play about her life with Kurt for a long time" and that it's "her dream" to tell "her side of the story".

Love and Cobain were together for only a few years: they started dating in 1991, married and had a child in 1992, before Cobain killed himself in 1994. But Love has maintained her role as the steward of Cobain's memory, suing video-game makers, criticising his bandmates and accusing the Muppets of "raping" her husband with a rendition of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Love also has a rocky relationship with her daughter; earlier this year, Frances Bean Cobain took over as the legal custodian of her father's publicity rights. If Love and Lufti move ahead with plans for a Kurt Cobain musical, they would probably require his daughter's approval.