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Police disarm hatchet man on bus Police disarm hatchet man on bus
(41 minutes later)
Police have disarmed a man with a hatchet who boarded a bus in north Belfast. Police have disarmed a half-naked man with a hatchet who boarded a Translink bus in north Belfast.
The man, wearing jeans but bare-chested, jumped onto the bus in the Oldpark area at about 0730 BST. The man, wearing jeans but bare-chested, went to the upper deck of the vehicle at about 0730 BST and began wielding the hatchet.
A police spokesperson said that no-one had been hurt and one man had been arrested. Linda Shannon of Translink said frightened passengers told the driver.
The spokesperson confirmed that a man is helping with inquiries into the incident. "He called for the back-up of the PSNI and they reacted very quickly," she said. A man was arrested and no one was injured.