Dog charity donation boxes taken from stations

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Three dog-shaped charity collection boxes have been stolen from Oxfordshire railways stations.

The boxes had been placed at Bicester North and Banbury stations to collect money for Guide Dogs for the blind.

A man was spotted on CCTV taking one at Bicester on 9 November. Two boxes were recovered empty and another has since been taken from Banbury station.

Graham Kensett, from the Guide Dogs charity, said it was "a particularly heartless crime".

Police have released a CCTV image of one of the three-ft (90cm) high dog-shaped boxes being stolen from Bicester station.

PC Gary Archer of British Transport Police said: "This is a sad case that has seen charity boxes taken from a public space."

Mr Kensett said: "The money that was stolen was given to Guide Dogs by the public to help blind and partially sighted people.

"We rely on donations to fund our work which transforms the lives of thousands of people who are living with sight loss.