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Girlfriend died during argument Girlfriend died during argument
(about 17 hours later)
A rugby player has told a jury he felt his girlfriend's body go limp after he grabbed her neck during an argument.A rugby player has told a jury he felt his girlfriend's body go limp after he grabbed her neck during an argument.
Jordan Rees told Cardiff Crown Court he began arguing with Rebecca Spry, 18, at her home in Glyncoch following a rugby club's Boxing Day party last year.Jordan Rees told Cardiff Crown Court he began arguing with Rebecca Spry, 18, at her home in Glyncoch following a rugby club's Boxing Day party last year.
He said Miss Spry came at him with her fists up and he grabbed her around the neck with one hand.He said Miss Spry came at him with her fists up and he grabbed her around the neck with one hand.
Mr Rees, 24, from Hawthorn, Pontypridd, admits the manslaughter of Miss Spry but denies her murder.Mr Rees, 24, from Hawthorn, Pontypridd, admits the manslaughter of Miss Spry but denies her murder.
Caerphilly RFC player Mr Rees told the jury that earlier in the evening the pair had been "lovey dovey" and talking about the future.Caerphilly RFC player Mr Rees told the jury that earlier in the evening the pair had been "lovey dovey" and talking about the future.
But Mr Rees said they had begun to argue and Miss Spry accused him of sleeping with her sister Amie.But Mr Rees said they had begun to argue and Miss Spry accused him of sleeping with her sister Amie.
He said: "We were both shouting at each other - words were said.He said: "We were both shouting at each other - words were said.
"Then she went quiet and I just pushed her with my hand and she fell back and hit her head on the cabinet next to the bed.""Then she went quiet and I just pushed her with my hand and she fell back and hit her head on the cabinet next to the bed."
I can't describe how I feel. Ashamed of myself and I'm sorry, really and truly sorry. Jordan Rees
Mr Rees, a trained first aider, said Miss Spry was unconscious and he tried to revive her.Mr Rees, a trained first aider, said Miss Spry was unconscious and he tried to revive her.
He then telephoned her sister Amie to come home and help.He then telephoned her sister Amie to come home and help.
Mr Rees said it was not until she and her boyfriend arrived that he called an ambulance.Mr Rees said it was not until she and her boyfriend arrived that he called an ambulance.
'Truly sorry'
Asked by Gerard Elias, defending, if he admitted his unlawful actions had caused Miss Spry's death, Mr Rees replied: "I didn't mean it, but I did - yes."Asked by Gerard Elias, defending, if he admitted his unlawful actions had caused Miss Spry's death, Mr Rees replied: "I didn't mean it, but I did - yes."
Asked how he felt about causing his girlfriend's death, Mr Rees said: "I can't describe how I feel. Ashamed of myself and I'm sorry, really and truly sorry."Asked how he felt about causing his girlfriend's death, Mr Rees said: "I can't describe how I feel. Ashamed of myself and I'm sorry, really and truly sorry."
He admitted he had initially lied to police and ambulance crews, telling them Miss Spry had fallen and banged her head.He admitted he had initially lied to police and ambulance crews, telling them Miss Spry had fallen and banged her head.
He said this was because "I was scared, I was ashamed as well".He said this was because "I was scared, I was ashamed as well".
Nicholas Cooke, prosecuting, asked Mr Rees: "Did you hold her by the neck until her body went limp?"Nicholas Cooke, prosecuting, asked Mr Rees: "Did you hold her by the neck until her body went limp?"
He replied: "I did."He replied: "I did."
'Wanted help''Wanted help'
Mr Cooke continued: "You would have known instantly that was terribly serious wouldn't you?"Mr Cooke continued: "You would have known instantly that was terribly serious wouldn't you?"
Mr Rees said: "I thought the banging on the head made it worse."Mr Rees said: "I thought the banging on the head made it worse."
Asked why he called Amie rather than an ambulance, Mr Rees said: "I wanted help as quickly as possible."Asked why he called Amie rather than an ambulance, Mr Rees said: "I wanted help as quickly as possible."
He added: "I didn't want her to be dead. I was hoping she wasn't dead."He added: "I didn't want her to be dead. I was hoping she wasn't dead."
Asked if he had lied to police about what happened to protect himself, Mr Rees said: "A part of it was, yes.Asked if he had lied to police about what happened to protect himself, Mr Rees said: "A part of it was, yes.
"The other part was Becky's family and my family - I didn't want them to think bad of me.""The other part was Becky's family and my family - I didn't want them to think bad of me."
The court had heard how Miss Spry died from pressure being applied to her neck. The trial continues.The court had heard how Miss Spry died from pressure being applied to her neck. The trial continues.