Idle No More: Canada's indigenous people are demanding a better deal

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I told my mother once that I was envious, because my friend had such a clear path laid out in front of him: his father and uncles were traditional Native American artists, and therefore he would be too. "I wish I had something like that, where I just knew what I was supposed to do," I said. My mother replied that I did: my father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather all were Native chiefs. I thought this idea was ludicrous, since I'd never shown any interest in politics.

That has since changed. Not because of a sudden interest in parliamentary affairs, but simply because of the Idle No More (INM) movement which is growing by the day in Canada. Since December 11 there have been more than 685,000 tweets using the hashtag #IdleNoMore. INM's goals are to build indigenous sovereignty, to repair the relationship between indigenous peoples of Canada (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit), the crown, and the government of Canada from a grassroots framework, and to protect the environment for all Canadians to enjoy for generations to come.

Who can argue against honouring culture, creating peaceful relationships, and ensuring our waters are clean? Well, many Canadians can. There has been a significant backlash against the movement by political pundits, mainstream media, and settler Canadians alike. Many claim that the best route for indigenous people is to assimilate and to be "just like every other Canadian." But since the 15th century nothing has worked, and indigenous peoples are fed up of being told what to do, where to do it and how to do it.

The imprint of colonialism has left land claims, treaty negotiations, reserve infrastructure, indigenous poverty, and indigenous education equality in total disarray. Let's not even mention the intergenerational impact of the residential school system, which forcibly removed indigenous children from their homes and stripped them of their language and culture and left many vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse.

According to the 2006 census, there are 1.17 million First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Canada. A recent ruling affecting over 600,000 people gave Métis and non-status First Nations people equal recognition with First Nations status individuals. That means both increased accountability for the Canadian government and increased support for the INM movement. Idle No More was started in Saskatchewan by four women (Jessica Gordon, Sheelah McLean, Sylvia McAdams and Nina Wilsonfeld), who are lawyers, academics, and professionals. They were concerned about Bill C-45, the omnibus bill, which they saw as important for indigenous peoples and treaty rights, as well as for all Canadians concerning laws affecting the environment. They began "teach-ins" to inform and educate about these bills.

On 4 December, the Assembly of First Nations (the governing body of First Nations communities) chiefs were denied entry into the House of Commons in Ottawa when they collected to peacefully discuss Bill C-45. The news spread rapidly across Facebook and Twitter, and rallies were created in the name of solidarity with the INM movement.

Attawapiskat chief Theresa Spence began a hunger strike the following day, and has vowed to continue until there's a nation-to-nation discussion between AFN chiefs, the governor general and the prime minister Stephen Harper. Although Spence has been touted as the face of INM, founders state that she is unconnected to the movement that they've started. A meeting was scheduled on Friday between Harper and AFN delegates, but Spence has refused to attend unless the governor general David Johnston also attends (he is key to Spence's demands, since he represents the crown, which negotiated the original treaties with aboriginal people). Participants from all over the world will have peace marches, round dances and other events in solidarity.

"Idle No More is going to be around for a very long time, until we see the changes that we know are necessary," says Ojibwe comedian and activist Ryan MacMahon during a teach-in. "We aren't in this until Chief Spence eats, we aren't in this until Stephen Harper commits to some sort of timetable. This is a long-term bigger goal and vision rather than just waiting to see what happens on Friday."

My social streams remain inundated with political news, protest photos, and pipeline updates. I can feel a seismic shift happening among indigenous people in Canada – unlike anything I've ever seen before. Consistent and constant education, information sharing and support are all helping keep this movement strong. Here's to change.

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