TV death baby Kian McMillan: On run father arrested

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A man wanted by police after his four-month-old son died when his mother knocked a television onto him at their home in Lancashire has been arrested.

Kian McMillan suffered a brain injury in the incident at the house in Burnley in December 2011 and died the next day.

His father Edward Hanratty, 41, of Dirkhill Road, Bradford, admitted child neglect but failed to appear at Preston Crown Court for sentencing last month.

Police said he was arrested in West Yorkshire and has been held in custody.

He is due to appear before Preston Crown Court on 27 February.

Kian's mother Natalie McMillan, 25, of Clarendon Road, Leeds, was cleared of manslaughter but admitted child neglect at an earlier hearing.

She was jailed for 15 months on 31 January.

Drink and drugs

A warrant was issued for Hanratty's arrest after he did not appear at the same hearing.

The court heard Kian was lying on a changing mat at the family home in Scarlett Street when his mother tried to move the TV to plug in a scart lead.

While giving evidence, McMillan tried to shift the blame to her ex-partner Hanratty and said she was upstairs in bed at the time.

She denied she had been under the influence of drugs when her son died but tests later showed she had taken heroin and diazepam.

Hanratty had also taken drink and drugs and had passed out on the kitchen floor at their home at the time of Kian's death.

Both pleaded guilty to child cruelty on the basis of neglect during their trial in December.