Federal Court Speaks, but Couples Still Face State Legal Patchwork


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WASHINGTON — Consider two women living at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., who travel to Maine to get married. When they get back to the base, the military will now recognize their marriage, affording them a variety of benefits that would go to any married couple, like health care and a housing allowance.

But once they exit Keesler’s gates, they will find their marriage license means nothing to the state of Mississippi, where same-sex couples cannot adopt children and employers can fire someone who is gay.

What about the case of a gay couple who married in Des Moines but decide to move to Miami to spend their retirement away from the punishing Iowa winters? If one of them dies there, the other may not be able to collect the surviving spouse’s Social Security benefits.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Wednesday, in United States v. Windsor, to declare that the Defense of Marriage Act violated the Constitution went further than the federal government ever has in extending equal rights to same-sex couples. But it left untouched the thicket of conflicting state and local laws that deny gays and lesbians in the vast majority of states the benefits and legal recognition that marriage provides.

A state line — not a minister, a rabbi or a justice of the peace — still decides who is married and who is not. This disparate treatment under the law is likely to remain unless the 37 states that do not permit same-sex unions reverse course, or if the Supreme Court revisits the question in a broader case and issues a ruling that establishes a constitutional right to marriage. Given the court’s decision in a case involving California’s Proposition 8 on Wednesday, the number of states where gay marriage is legal rose to 13.

Even as gay rights advocates celebrated a historic step forward on Wednesday, many of them were already eyeing the next legal frontier that could deliver the universal recognition of marriage rights that eluded them this time.

“Living in this kind of patchwork country is becoming less and less tenable,” said Susan Sommer, the director of constitutional litigation for Lambda Legal, the gay rights group. “If we’re going to have federal benefits and recognition, it certainly makes a state’s withholding of the freedom to marry come with that much greater a cost — an impairment of liberty.”

Even factoring out the conflicts and inequities that remain in state law, federal law and policy will need an overhaul to accommodate the court’s Windsor decision.

Despite its historic sweep, the court’s ruling came with a large question mark: It may require Congress to make some of the legal changes necessary to ensure that all married same-sex couples can receive the benefits of federal programs like Social Security and veterans’ payments.

President Obama said Wednesday that he had directed the attorney general to conduct a prompt review of federal benefits and obligations to ensure that the decision is “implemented swiftly and smoothly.” The White House has told gay rights advocates that it has already started looking into what changes it might be able to make through administrative and executive orders, steps that would not require Congressional approval. The Justice Department has created a special task force for the job.

The Democrat-controlled Senate is expected to act quickly on legislation introduced by Dianne Feinstein of California on Wednesday that would ensure same-sex couples are not excluded from federal benefits even if they live in states where their marriages are not recognized. But without the Republican-led House’s approval, any such measure could not become law.

The confusion arises from the various ways the government considers eligibility for spousal benefits. Different agencies use different criteria in judging whether a marriage is valid. They could, for instance, consider the marriage valid only if the state where the couple currently live recognizes it. Or they could look to the state where the couple filed their most recent tax return, or where they lived when they applied for benefits, or where they were married.

“It’s not just a matter of whether you have a valid marriage license. It’s, Do you reside in a state that recognizes it?” said Brian Moulton, the legal director for the Human Rights Campaign.

Inevitably there will be some disparities in states where a couple are married in the eyes of the federal government but not in the eyes of the state.

“We are going to end up seeing couples in a range of different sets of circumstances that invariably highlight the remaining inequalities,” Mr. Moulton added.

One thorny area that the court did clear up by invalidating the Defense of Marriage Act was what to do with same-sex couples in which one partner is foreign-born. For the purposes of immigration law, marriages are considered valid if they were legal where they were performed, meaning that those couples no longer need to worry about deportation because the federal government now recognizes their marriages.

But would-be recipients of Social Security survivors’ benefits could run into trouble if they have moved since getting married. Eligibility for survivors’ benefits depends on where the potential recipient lived at the time he or she applied. So unless the Obama administration can find enough legal room in the Windsor decision to give it the authority to change how Social Security benefits are administered, some same-sex couples will be left without spousal benefits.

The same could be true of veterans’ surviving spouses. Veterans’ benefits determinations are made based on the law of the state where the couple lived either at the time of the marriage or when the right to the benefit accrued.

Beyond Social Security and veterans’ benefits, there will still be conflicts in myriad other federally administered programs, from filing taxes to eligibility for family medical leave. But because changes in how those are administered would not require an act of Congress, the Obama administration may be able to make the necessary adjustments with the stroke of a pen.

Federal taxes, for example, are generally determined by where a couple live. But situations are certain to arise where same-sex couples married in states where they do not reside later file taxes from their home states where their marriages are not valid. To clear up any questions, the Obama administration could direct the Internal Revenue Service to adopt a standard that considers only where the couple was married.