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MoD names two British casualties MoD names two British casualties
(about 9 hours later)
Two British soldiers who died in Afghanistan on Wednesday have been named by the Ministry of Defence.Two British soldiers who died in Afghanistan on Wednesday have been named by the Ministry of Defence.
Corporal Mark William Wright, 27, from Edinburgh, of the Parachute Regiment, died when a patrol entered an unmarked minefield in Helmand province. Corporal Mark William Wright, 27, from Edinburgh, of the Parachute Regiment, died after a patrol entered an unmarked minefield in Helmand province.
Lance Corporal Paul Muirhead, 29, of the Royal Irish Regiment, from Bearley, Warwickshire, died of injuries following an attack on 1 September.
Cpl Wright died attempting to save the life of an injured paratrooper.Cpl Wright died attempting to save the life of an injured paratrooper.
Lance Corporal Paul Muirhead, 29, of the Royal Irish Regiment, from Bearley, Warwickshire, died of injuries five days after an attack on 1 September.
Defence Secretary Des Browne said he was "greatly saddened" to be told of the death of Cpl Wright.Defence Secretary Des Browne said he was "greatly saddened" to be told of the death of Cpl Wright.
His actions were typical of the type of man Cpl Wright was Cpl Wright's Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Tootal His actions were typical of the type of man Corporal Wright was Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Tootal
He added: "His selfless commitment and professionalism is an example to us all. My thoughts are with his family, colleagues and friends at this difficult time."He added: "His selfless commitment and professionalism is an example to us all. My thoughts are with his family, colleagues and friends at this difficult time."
Cpl Wright's Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Tootal, said he was trying to save his comrade "in complete disregard for his own safety whilst fully aware of the dangers to himself". Cpl Wright's commanding officer, Lt Col Stuart Tootal, said he had been trying to save his comrade "in complete disregard for his own safety whilst fully aware of the dangers to himself.
"His actions were typical of the type of man Cpl Wright was.""His actions were typical of the type of man Cpl Wright was."
Cpl Wright joined the Army in January 1999, later completing the gruelling training to become a paratrooper.Cpl Wright joined the Army in January 1999, later completing the gruelling training to become a paratrooper.
Within his first three years, he had completed three tours of Northern Ireland, and was later deployed to Iraq. Within his first three years, he had completed three tours of Northern Ireland and was later deployed to Iraq.
L/Cpl Muirhead was fatally injured in an attack on his base at Musa Quala, Helmand Province. Another soldier died during the fighting . L/Cpl Muirhead, who was single, was fatally injured in an attack on his base at Musa Quala, Helmand Province. Another soldier died during the fighting .
His commanding officer, Lt Col Michael McGovern said the soldier had a reputation for looking after younger colleagues and was greatly respected. His commanding officer, Lt Col Michael McGovern, said: "Lance Corporal Muirhead was a calm, confident and determined member of the Patrols Platoon.
"A quiet exterior belied a character who was renowned for looking after the younger less experienced soldiers. He was widely respected across the battalion."
L/Cpl Muirhead had served in Northern Ireland and also spent time in Baghdad and southern Iraq.