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Cory Bernardi decries abortion supporters as being ‘pro-death’ Cory Bernardi decries abortion supporters as being ‘pro-death’
(35 minutes later)
South Australian Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has denied holding far-right views, after writing a book describing those who are pro-choice as being "pro-death" and suggesting children raised by single parents are more likely to be promiscuous and law breakers.South Australian Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has denied holding far-right views, after writing a book describing those who are pro-choice as being "pro-death" and suggesting children raised by single parents are more likely to be promiscuous and law breakers.
His new book, The Conservative Revolution, also argues against other "non-traditional" families including step-families and same-sex families, and warns that Red Cross-style breakfast programs for children remove parental responsibility.His new book, The Conservative Revolution, also argues against other "non-traditional" families including step-families and same-sex families, and warns that Red Cross-style breakfast programs for children remove parental responsibility.
Bernardi – a former parliamentary secretary to Tony Abbott – described himself as a "faithful son of the Liberal party" but said he was entitled as a backbencher to speak free of cabinet restrictions and contribute to the battle of ideas.Bernardi – a former parliamentary secretary to Tony Abbott – described himself as a "faithful son of the Liberal party" but said he was entitled as a backbencher to speak free of cabinet restrictions and contribute to the battle of ideas.
"They're not far-right views at all; they're enduring views," Bernardi told the ABC on Monday."They're not far-right views at all; they're enduring views," Bernardi told the ABC on Monday.
"What I would suggest to you is the fact they are controversial, according to elements of the media and sections of the public, suggests just how far we've come. These are very traditional views; they're views that have stood the test of time and they've been developed over successive generations ... The eroding of our cultural institutions, our values and our ethics has consequences for society.""What I would suggest to you is the fact they are controversial, according to elements of the media and sections of the public, suggests just how far we've come. These are very traditional views; they're views that have stood the test of time and they've been developed over successive generations ... The eroding of our cultural institutions, our values and our ethics has consequences for society."
Bernardi – who stood down as parliamentary secretary to Abbott in 2012 after suggesting that allowing same-sex marriage might lead to the social acceptance of bestiality – has long railed against what he described as political correctness.Bernardi – who stood down as parliamentary secretary to Abbott in 2012 after suggesting that allowing same-sex marriage might lead to the social acceptance of bestiality – has long railed against what he described as political correctness.
In extracts of his new book, reported on by the ABC, he argues some women use abortion as "an abhorrent form of birth control" and he finds it "horrendous and unacceptable" that the abortion "death industry despatches 80,000 to 100,000 unborn children [in Australia] every year".In extracts of his new book, reported on by the ABC, he argues some women use abortion as "an abhorrent form of birth control" and he finds it "horrendous and unacceptable" that the abortion "death industry despatches 80,000 to 100,000 unborn children [in Australia] every year".
"The political pressure from the left has ushered us into a morbid new world. It is not enough to stop the trend. What is needed is a reversal back to sanity and reason," he writes."The political pressure from the left has ushered us into a morbid new world. It is not enough to stop the trend. What is needed is a reversal back to sanity and reason," he writes.
In a televised interview, Bernardi said he did not want to ban abortion, but "there is a right to life issue we should be exploring" and he believed life began at conception. He also brushed off queries about the accuracy of his abortion figures, saying the practice happened "a lot" and he did not know anyone who wanted to see more abortions.In a televised interview, Bernardi said he did not want to ban abortion, but "there is a right to life issue we should be exploring" and he believed life began at conception. He also brushed off queries about the accuracy of his abortion figures, saying the practice happened "a lot" and he did not know anyone who wanted to see more abortions.
Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese said Bernardi claimed to be pro-freedom but was against women controlling their own bodies.Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese said Bernardi claimed to be pro-freedom but was against women controlling their own bodies.
Albanese said it was now up to Abbott to "completely disassociate himself" from Bernardi's views. Albanese said Bernardi was the number one candidate on the Liberal party's South Australian Senate ticket at the September election.Albanese said it was now up to Abbott to "completely disassociate himself" from Bernardi's views. Albanese said Bernardi was the number one candidate on the Liberal party's South Australian Senate ticket at the September election.
Albanese said the excerpts of the book were "extraordinary" and offensive and outlined a "coherent if reactionary agenda" from a government that did not have a clear agenda for governing. The problem was there were not many small-l liberals left in the Liberal party, he said.Albanese said the excerpts of the book were "extraordinary" and offensive and outlined a "coherent if reactionary agenda" from a government that did not have a clear agenda for governing. The problem was there were not many small-l liberals left in the Liberal party, he said.
"These comments can only do one thing, which is to divide the community." Albanese told the ABC. He said modern Australia was a diverse place with different families, religions, races and ways of life."These comments can only do one thing, which is to divide the community." Albanese told the ABC. He said modern Australia was a diverse place with different families, religions, races and ways of life.
“What this book does is really narrow down that definition, seek to divide and seek to point the finger and say that some families aren't as good as others, some religions aren't as good as others, some lifestyles aren't as good as others, and in terms of its attitudes towards women, 50% of society [would be] essentially discriminated against if the policies that are [put] forward in Cory Bernardi's book are actually put in place."“What this book does is really narrow down that definition, seek to divide and seek to point the finger and say that some families aren't as good as others, some religions aren't as good as others, some lifestyles aren't as good as others, and in terms of its attitudes towards women, 50% of society [would be] essentially discriminated against if the policies that are [put] forward in Cory Bernardi's book are actually put in place."
The acting leader of the Greens, Richard Di Natale, said Bernardi's comments about abortion, Islam, same-sex and single-parent families were "truly offensive" and they had no place in modern Australia, let alone in a mainstream political party.
“Former prime minister John Howard was rightly criticised for his failure to condemn Pauline Hanson's hateful views, and these views are just as abhorrent," Di Natale said in a statement.
"If Tony Abbott fails to clearly distance himself from Senator Bernardi then it will be impossible to escape the conclusion that he is quietly pleased that his dirty work is being done."
The ABC reports that Bernardi sets out five founding pillars for a "conservative revolution", including restoring the traditional family model to what should be its "prime position" over other family types, such as step-families, same-sex and single families, and couples with children born through surrogacy.The ABC reports that Bernardi sets out five founding pillars for a "conservative revolution", including restoring the traditional family model to what should be its "prime position" over other family types, such as step-families, same-sex and single families, and couples with children born through surrogacy.
"Given the increasing number of 'non-traditional' families, there is a temptation to equate all family structures as being equal or relative," he says."Given the increasing number of 'non-traditional' families, there is a temptation to equate all family structures as being equal or relative," he says.
"Why then the levels of criminality among boys and promiscuity among girls who are brought up in single-parent families, more often than not headed by a single mother?"Why then the levels of criminality among boys and promiscuity among girls who are brought up in single-parent families, more often than not headed by a single mother?
"What is missing in the push for human cloning, in-vitro fertilisation and surrogacy, for example, is the understanding that children come into families as gifts, not commodities."What is missing in the push for human cloning, in-vitro fertilisation and surrogacy, for example, is the understanding that children come into families as gifts, not commodities.
"It is perfectly reasonable and rational, therefore, for the state, if it is to have a role in social policy and the affairs of marriage, to reinforce and entrench those aspects of traditional marriage that work, not undermine them and promote 'alternatives' which have led to social chaos."It is perfectly reasonable and rational, therefore, for the state, if it is to have a role in social policy and the affairs of marriage, to reinforce and entrench those aspects of traditional marriage that work, not undermine them and promote 'alternatives' which have led to social chaos.
"Competent social policy should be drafted by those who understand the primacy of natural law and who are able to see patterns in society.""Competent social policy should be drafted by those who understand the primacy of natural law and who are able to see patterns in society."
Bernardi complains that the "green agenda" places plant and animal life above humanity, and argues Islam is fundamentally incompatible with the Western way of life, according to the ABC report.Bernardi complains that the "green agenda" places plant and animal life above humanity, and argues Islam is fundamentally incompatible with the Western way of life, according to the ABC report.
"I believe that by stripping God and religious principles from our culture (and our politics) we have become a nation which does not know which port it is sailing to," he writes."I believe that by stripping God and religious principles from our culture (and our politics) we have become a nation which does not know which port it is sailing to," he writes.
Bernardi also calls for loosening of workplace relations laws to allow freedom to negotiate workplace agreements and give small businesses the right to "hire and fire employees free of illegitimate government interference".Bernardi also calls for loosening of workplace relations laws to allow freedom to negotiate workplace agreements and give small businesses the right to "hire and fire employees free of illegitimate government interference".
Abbott has previously ruled out pursuing major changes on workplace relations laws in his first term of government and played down the prospect of abortion changes.
In June the then prime minister, Julia Gillard, declared that "we don’t want to live in an Australia where abortion again becomes the political play thing of men who think they know better". It prompted claims from the deputy Liberal leader, Julie Bishop, that Gillard was waging a “gender war to divide the nation”. 
“Julia Gillard knows full well the Coalition won’t change the abortion law. For her to raise this as an election issue is as offensive as it is false, and she should apologise,” Bishop told Guardian Australia at the time.
Abbott also said in June: "It is fundamentally an area for the states, but certainly as far as we are concerned there are no plans, no plans whatsoever for change."
Gillard said in an interview with Guardian Australia in May that she was always disturbed when she saw "the start of what looks like voices once again coming out in the debate to try to create community sentiment so that women no longer have the ability to govern their own bodies and make their own choices".
“I don’t think as women we can ever rest easy on this; we always have to be mindful there are forces in Australian political debate and Australian political life who would seek to impose the alternative: no choice for women,” Gillard said at the time.
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