Unthinkable? Justin and Miley


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Growing up is hard to do, as every parent of teenagers will recognise. At some point they have to cut loose. How much harder when cute biddability has been the launch pad of a multi-million dollar career. Justin Bieber, for example, who is said to be the most googled person on the planet, used to be the kid whose mum made him a phenomenon by posting videos of him on YouTube. But now he's 19, and he's hit the celebrity badboy phase, currently in trouble for allegedly drag racing in Miami, a step on if not up from last week's run-in with the LA county sheriff over allegedly throwing eggs at a neighbour's house. What he needs, clearly, is to join a band. Pop history shows that kids in a band get a kind of support system that offers its members protection from themselves. Robbie Williams, for example, the squeaky clean kid from Take That, dived into a well-documented spiral of drink and drugs after he left. And just imagine Michael Jackson if he'd hung on in there with his siblings instead of launching out on his own, doomed pathway. Happily for Bieber, there's another troubled teen who could do with a co-star. Miley Cyrus, the munchkin heroine of Hannah Montana, has recently worked tirelessly to promote herself as a grown-up, or as her Wikipedia entry describes it, "transitioning to an adult image", by releasing sexually explicit music videos. Now that she's 21, and one of the richest female recording stars ever, perhaps she and Bieber should team up. A kind of Sonny and Cher for 2014.