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Social worker stabbed at school Social worker stabbed at school
(10 minutes later)
A social worker is seriously ill in hospital after being stabbed at a County Durham special school.A social worker is seriously ill in hospital after being stabbed at a County Durham special school.
The 36-year-old woman was visiting Glendene School, in Crawlaw Road, Easington Colliery, on Friday morning.The 36-year-old woman was visiting Glendene School, in Crawlaw Road, Easington Colliery, on Friday morning.
Police said she had been due to take part in a meeting about a pupil at the school along with staff and members of the pupil's family.Police said she had been due to take part in a meeting about a pupil at the school along with staff and members of the pupil's family.
A police spokesman said a 40-year-old man from Murton had been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.A police spokesman said a 40-year-old man from Murton had been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
Knife in backKnife in back
The attack left the woman, who is from the Chester-le-Street area, with a knife lodged in her back.The attack left the woman, who is from the Chester-le-Street area, with a knife lodged in her back.
She was treated at the scene by paramedics and then taken to hospital where she was having surgery.She was treated at the scene by paramedics and then taken to hospital where she was having surgery.
The room where the incident happened was cordoned off for examination by forensic scientists. Glendene is a day school catering for children with a range of special education needs aged from two to 19. It is run by Durham County Council.
Glendene is a day school catering for children with a range of special education needs. It is run by Durham County Council. Det Ch Insp Alan Veitch said: "This was a very serious assault but I must stress this type of incident is thankfully very rare."
Det Ch Insp Alan Veitch said: "This was a very serious assault but I must stress this type of incident is thankfully very rare. No children involved
"Our inquiries are at an early stage and we are working with the school, social services and health professionals." He said inquiries were at an early stage and they were working with the school, social services and health professionals to establish what had happened.
Headteacher Eric Baker said: "The incident took place well away from any areas occupied by our children and no children, or school staff, were involved.
"Our thoughts are with the social worker and her family."
Durham County Council deputy director of education Neil Charlton said: "Schools and the county council take security very seriously and measures are in place to safeguard children.
"But we cannot turn our schools into virtual prisons making it an uncomfortable learning environment for pupils and staff."