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Two killed in Balochistan blast Balochistan bombing 'kills four'
(about 2 hours later)
At least two people have been killed and 13 others wounded in a bomb explosion in Pakistan's south-western Balochistan province, police said. At least four people have been killed and 13 others wounded in a bomb explosion in Pakistan's south-western Balochistan province, police say.
There were conflicting reports about the blast happening near a bus station or a clinic in Barkhan town.There were conflicting reports about the blast happening near a bus station or a clinic in Barkhan town.
The police suspect tribal groups pushing for greater autonomy in the region to be behind the attack.The police suspect tribal groups pushing for greater autonomy in the region to be behind the attack.
Balochistan has been in turmoil after a Pakistan military raid recently killed rebel leader Nawab Akbar Bugti.Balochistan has been in turmoil after a Pakistan military raid recently killed rebel leader Nawab Akbar Bugti.
Police say it is not yet clear whether the bombing is linked to the killing of Mr Bugti.
People injured in the explosion have been moved to a local hospital, Balochistan police officer Hafiz Inayat told news agencies.People injured in the explosion have been moved to a local hospital, Balochistan police officer Hafiz Inayat told news agencies.
"The death told may rise because some of the wounded are in critical condition," he said."The death told may rise because some of the wounded are in critical condition," he said.
Nawab Akbar Bugti's death triggered days of protests across Balochistan in which a number of people died.Nawab Akbar Bugti's death triggered days of protests across Balochistan in which a number of people died.
Mr Bugti, a former chief minister of Balochistan, had campaigned for years for the gas-rich province to be given greater autonomy and a larger share of natural resources.Mr Bugti, a former chief minister of Balochistan, had campaigned for years for the gas-rich province to be given greater autonomy and a larger share of natural resources.
But the Pakistani authorities accused him of leading an armed insurgency against the state.But the Pakistani authorities accused him of leading an armed insurgency against the state.
Baloch militant groups have regularly mounted bomb attacks on pipelines and other targets in the region.Baloch militant groups have regularly mounted bomb attacks on pipelines and other targets in the region.