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Knife murder accused due in court Knife murder accused is remanded
(about 11 hours later)
A 17-year-old charged with murdering a woman as she walked to work in south London is due to appear in court. A 17-year-old charged with murdering a woman as she walked to work in south London has been remanded in custody.
The youth is accused of stabbing Carmelita Tulloch, 51, to death in the street in Kennington on Tuesday. The youth is accused of stabbing Carmelita Tulloch, 51, in Wickham Street, in Kennington, on Tuesday.
Mrs Tulloch, who lived in nearby Scotson House and had two daughters and a granddaughter, died from a stab wound to the neck. He will next appear at Lambeth Youth Court, sitting at Balham Juvenile Court, in south London, on 6 October.
The youth is scheduled to appear at Lambeth Youth Court, sitting at Balham Juvenile Court, in south London. Mrs Tulloch, who lived near to where she was stabbed, died from a stab wound to the neck. She had two daughters and a granddaughter.