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Race begins for Japan leadership Race begins for Japan leadership
(10 minutes later)
Three Japanese lawmakers have launched their campaigns to lead the ruling party, kicking off the race to succeed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.Three Japanese lawmakers have launched their campaigns to lead the ruling party, kicking off the race to succeed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, 51, is the clear front-runner to win the 20 September contest for the Liberal Democratic Party presidency.Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, 51, is the clear front-runner to win the 20 September contest for the Liberal Democratic Party presidency.
The other two contenders are Foreign Minister Taro Aso and Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki.The other two contenders are Foreign Minister Taro Aso and Finance Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki.
The holder of this post is almost certain to be made prime minister.The holder of this post is almost certain to be made prime minister.
There will be a parliamentary vote for prime minister on 26 September, four days before Mr Koizumi is due to step down.There will be a parliamentary vote for prime minister on 26 September, four days before Mr Koizumi is due to step down.
Profile: Shinzo Abe
Mr Abe has a strong lead in opinion polls and appears to have the backing of the majority of LDP lawmakers.Mr Abe has a strong lead in opinion polls and appears to have the backing of the majority of LDP lawmakers.
A staunch conservative, he has pledged a robust foreign policy and emphasised his aim of holding a referendum on constitutional revision.A staunch conservative, he has pledged a robust foreign policy and emphasised his aim of holding a referendum on constitutional revision.
But critics fear the election of Mr Abe, who has backed Mr Koizumi's visits to a controversial war-linked shrine, could lead to further deterioration in ties with China.But critics fear the election of Mr Abe, who has backed Mr Koizumi's visits to a controversial war-linked shrine, could lead to further deterioration in ties with China.
"To improve relations with China and South Korea, I believe all sides must make efforts to take steps forward," Mr Abe said as he launched his campaign."To improve relations with China and South Korea, I believe all sides must make efforts to take steps forward," Mr Abe said as he launched his campaign.