Dentist Omer Butt told missing cash probe 'problematic'

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A dentist has been told an investigation into missing cash seized during a police search in 2011 is proving "problematic" because officers involved have since left the force.

Omer Butt, from Greater Manchester, said about £10,000 was taken when his brother was arrested on suspicion of benefit and insurance fraud.

The Met Police, who arrested the man, has returned £4,000 but accepted more was outstanding.

It said it was still making inquiries.

In an letter sent this month seen by BBC News, the force acknowledges two amounts of about £4,000 were taken, along with a third smaller amount.

Police watchdog probe

Mr Butt has been told some officers involved "have left the police service, therefore obtaining information can be problematic". Mr Butt's brother was released without charge after the searches in the Prestwich area of Manchester.

Mr Butt said: "Officers initially raided two homes. They asked my brother if there was anything he wanted to tell them and he said I have a large amount of cash in a bedroom. They took the money and we are not sure what happened to it after that."

The Met launched an internal inquiry in July 2012 and returned the initial £4,000. Mr Butt then complained to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) who asked the force to investigate the matter further.

Mr Butt said: "We are desperately hoping that the Met police wake up and realise that they have made a mistake and that the money is sitting somewhere in storage. If not, then it means that they have lost it."

A spokesman for the force accepted the IPCC had partially upheld Mr Butt's complaint in December and said its investigation was continuing.

The IPCC said the reinvestigation related to the "process for recording search and seizure information and the handling of a warrant".

Mr Butt was previously paid compensation by Greater Manchester Police after officers accused him of making racist comments as they tried to arrest him after a traffic dispute.

And in 2007 his professional body found him guilty of serious professional misconduct after he told a patient at his dental surgery that she had to wear a headscarf in order to receive treatment.