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Straw 'planning Lords overhaul' Straw 'planning Lords overhaul'
(about 1 hour later)
Ministers want a radical overhaul of the House of Lords, including an end to life peerages and quotas for ethnic minorities, a leaked document says.Ministers want a radical overhaul of the House of Lords, including an end to life peerages and quotas for ethnic minorities, a leaked document says.
The Sunday Times said Commons leader Jack Straw had also drawn up proposals for half of all peers to be elected and half appointed.The Sunday Times said Commons leader Jack Straw had also drawn up proposals for half of all peers to be elected and half appointed.
The number of peers would also be reduced by a third, it adds.The number of peers would also be reduced by a third, it adds.
The leaked proposals come after years of deadlock on the future of Parliament's second chamber.The leaked proposals come after years of deadlock on the future of Parliament's second chamber.
The spokesman for Mr Straw said: "This document is Jack Straw's attempt to facilitate cross-party discussion and that discussion is continuing. It is not governmentpolicy." The spokesman for Mr Straw said: "This document is Jack Straw's attempt to facilitate cross-party discussion and that discussion is continuing. It is not government policy."
Increased costsIncreased costs
The Sunday Times reports that Mr Straw's ideas are to go to a free vote in the Commons before Christmas.The Sunday Times reports that Mr Straw's ideas are to go to a free vote in the Commons before Christmas.
The plans call for elected peers - who would sit for no longer than three parliamentary terms, a maximum of 15 years - to be paid, rather than claiming allowances, as it currently the case.The plans call for elected peers - who would sit for no longer than three parliamentary terms, a maximum of 15 years - to be paid, rather than claiming allowances, as it currently the case.
This, it is estimated, would mean costs rising from £13.1m to £41.27m a year.This, it is estimated, would mean costs rising from £13.1m to £41.27m a year.
The number of bishops in the Lords would also be cut under the plans.The number of bishops in the Lords would also be cut under the plans.
Mr Straw outlined his suggestions in an 18-page memorandum presented to the cross-party working group on Lords reform earlier this month, it is reported.Mr Straw outlined his suggestions in an 18-page memorandum presented to the cross-party working group on Lords reform earlier this month, it is reported.
In 1999, all but 92 hereditary peers were removed from the Lords.In 1999, all but 92 hereditary peers were removed from the Lords.
But, in 2003, an attempt to complete the reform process collapsed.But, in 2003, an attempt to complete the reform process collapsed.
Seven options, from a fully elected to a fully appointed second chamber, were put forward, but MPs and peers failed to agree on any of them.Seven options, from a fully elected to a fully appointed second chamber, were put forward, but MPs and peers failed to agree on any of them.
The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats want 80% of peers to be elected.The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats want 80% of peers to be elected.
Lib Dem constitutional affairs spokesman Simon Hughes said: "Democracy is worth paying for.
"You cannot justify the Houses of Parliament not having a predominance of elected representatives."