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Paedophile jailed for 18 months Paedophile jailed for 18 months
(about 4 hours later)
A paedophile who was originally given a Community Rehabilitation Order by a judge has been jailed for 18 months.A paedophile who was originally given a Community Rehabilitation Order by a judge has been jailed for 18 months.
Michael Porter had previously pleaded guilty to 25 cases of indecent assault on a male and committing gross indecency with or towards a child.Michael Porter had previously pleaded guilty to 25 cases of indecent assault on a male and committing gross indecency with or towards a child.
Porter, 38, of Okehampton Close, north London, had his case examined after the Attorney General referred it under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme.Porter, 38, of Okehampton Close, north London, had his case examined after the Attorney General referred it under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme.
Baroness Scotland said it was right to refer the case to the Court of Appeal.Baroness Scotland said it was right to refer the case to the Court of Appeal.
She added: "I referred the sentence given to Michael Porter to the Court of Appeal because I considered that the sentence did not adequately reflect the seriousness of the offences, the offender's culpability, the harm caused to the victims and the need to deter others and protect the public."She added: "I referred the sentence given to Michael Porter to the Court of Appeal because I considered that the sentence did not adequately reflect the seriousness of the offences, the offender's culpability, the harm caused to the victims and the need to deter others and protect the public."
Undergone therapy He did the crime and now he's paying for it Tina Hughes, Porter's sister
Porter was originally sentenced in August by Bristol Crown Court to a Community Rehabilitation Order for a period of three years with a requirement that he attend a sex offender programme.Porter was originally sentenced in August by Bristol Crown Court to a Community Rehabilitation Order for a period of three years with a requirement that he attend a sex offender programme.
He was also banned from working with anyone under the age of 18 and put on the Sex Offenders Register.He was also banned from working with anyone under the age of 18 and put on the Sex Offenders Register.
The judge opted not to jail Porter after hearing he had undergone therapy and was a changed man.The judge opted not to jail Porter after hearing he had undergone therapy and was a changed man.
An Avon and Somerset Police spokeswoman said she was pleased the sentence had been reconsidered and that a custodial sentence was justified.An Avon and Somerset Police spokeswoman said she was pleased the sentence had been reconsidered and that a custodial sentence was justified.
When Porter was originally sentenced, his sister Tina Hughes said she was "disgusted" with the decision.
She said: "The fact that he's my brother, it saddens me. But he did the crime and now he's paying for it. I'm really pleased.
"He needed to be punished."
Porter carried out the assaults between 1986 and 2000 in the Clevedon area of North Somerset.Porter carried out the assaults between 1986 and 2000 in the Clevedon area of North Somerset.