Watch Lily Allen's URL Badman – video

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Throughout history, music has provided those facing adversity with a voice. The protest song: a statement of faith under pressure, a melodic triumph over hardship, a socially conscious account of misrepresentation and discrimination, racism, sexism, elitism and all of life's many evils. In 2014, however, Lily Allen has confronted a very modern demon, in the shape of the internet troll.

For her new single, URL Badman, she tells the story of "Broadband Champion" and "Keyboard Warrior that can't spell" among various other cusses, each of which is littered between skull-crunching Skrillex drops. The video, unveiled today, finds Allen lurking behind her virtual enemies, watching as their bodies morph into digital smears.

Allen, who launched her career in 2005 by posting a demo of "LDN" on Myspace, has made no secret of her fraught relationship with online commenters. "I read it. I read it all, and they're 90% horrible. Is that because everybody hates me? Or is it just an easy way for them to make themselves feel good, by saying something bad about someone else?" she told the Observer's Eva Wiseman last year.

Take a look at the video below and let us know what you make of it in the comments below. If you dare.