Photos of fathers meeting their son born during World Pride 2014 go viral

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A Canadian baby photographer has described how she “immediately tear[s] up” over her viral photos capturing the moment two fathers first met their newborn son.

The images shot by Lindsay Foster show new parents BJ Barone and Frankie Nelson weeping with joy as they clutch baby Milo in their arms.

Milo was carried by an unrelated surrogate mother, who did not use her own eggs, and was co-incidentally born during World Pride, according to Foster's Facebook page.

“She did not use her own eggs and she was very happy to have given this gift. Her, her husband and two children are all doing great,” Foster added.

Usually garnering less than 100 ‘likes’ for her Facebook posts of peaceful-looking infants, Foster’s photo of the fathers joined by the surrogate mother, her husband, and two midwives has amassed almost 40,000 likes since late June. 

“Words can not tell you how wonderful it was to witness this amazing moment in time [sic]. But I am VERY hopeful that these images can make you feel the deep LOVE and admiration that everyone felt for this surrogate mom and the baby's new parents. These Daddies will most certainly be two amazing parents.

"I look at these pictures and I immediately tear up," said Foster.

BJ Barone and Frankie Nelson who were captured holding their new baby by photographer Lindsay Foster (Facebook) Nelson and Barone also released a statement on Foster’s Facebook page expressing their gratitude at how the photos were received.

“Thank you to everyone out there who has taken the time to like, comment and share our picture! This was truly an incredible moment in our lives that will be captured forever by the lovely Lindsay Foster Photography," the couple wrote.

“We are so lucky that we have a beautiful, healthy baby boy! All comments posted are respected, although we may not agree with the negative ones, the positive ones far outweigh the negative. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

“This is a moment of pure love and acceptance. Milo is surrounded by unconditional love and he will grow up knowing many different types of families and accept everyone, (intolerant people included). Milo was born during World Pride.

"This picture represents everything Pride is about. Love has no colour nor gender nor sexual preference. Love is unconditional. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts!”