Kim Jong-un shown limping in unusual video footage at regime founder’s anniversary

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In an odd display of physical weakness, Kim Jong-un was shown unusually limping across the stage in footage broadcast to the country by the state media yesterday.

The North Korean leader can be seen ambling along the platform at a large audience event to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of his grandfather, the founder of the regime, Kim Il-sung.

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Usually, state media is strictly staged to depict the leader in his finest form, so a video showing him in a less than fit state is rare.

For example, Kim Il-sung suffered from an inoperable growth on the side of his neck about the size of a tennis ball before he died in 1994, and the media were banned from photographing or filming him from angles that displayed the growth.

It is not clear how Kim Jong-un has injured himself or where his limp has come from.

The video comes as North Korea threatened to violate UN sanctions with a fourth nuclear test. The country have also test-fired rockets and short-range missiles a number of times in the last 10 days.

In June, North Korea threatened to reap “merciless” retaliation on the USA if they failed to ban Seth Rogen and James Franco’s forthcoming comedy, The Interview.

The government issued a statement about the film, in which the actors star as two journalists ordered by the CIA to assassinate Kim Jong-un, saying that the country considered the movie “an act of war” and a “wanton act of terror”. He also labelled Rogen a “gangster filmmaker”.

Franco, Rogen, and The White House are yet to respond to their aggressive demands.