Egypt: Protests End in Violence Again

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At least three people were killed in Cairo on Friday as supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi held scattered protests for a second straight day, a year after the mass killing of protesters at two Cairo sit-ins. Two people were killed in clashes on Friday between local residents and supporters of Mr. Morsi, who was ousted by the military, and four police officers were wounded as they tried to disperse the crowd in the Giza district, according to security officials. At another protest in Giza, demonstrators fired birdshot, set off fireworks and tried to block a road. One of the protesters was killed when the police moved in to disperse the group, a statement from the Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, said, adding that the man was armed. Protesters also burned a public bus in a Cairo suburb after forcing the driver and passengers out. The police arrested at least 14 protesters at the events, the security officials said. Clashes at small, scattered demonstrations on Thursday left four people dead, the Health Ministry said.