Family of Ebola patient William Pooley thank doctors for swift action

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The family of British Ebola victim William Pooley have thanked doctors fighting to save his life for the "excellent care" he is being given.

In their first statement since the 29-year-old volunteer nurse was flown back to the UK on Sunday for emergency treatment, his family paid tribute to those who orchestrated his quick return.

They said: "We would like to express our thanks to all involved in bringing our son back to the UK. We have been astounded by the speed and way which the various international and UK government agencies have worked together to get Will home. Will is receiving excellent care at the Royal Free hospital and we could not ask for him to be in a better place.

"We would like to thank all our family and friends for their best wishes and ask everyone to remember those in other parts of the world suffering with Ebola who do not have access to the same healthcare facilities as Will."

Pooley contracted the deadly disease while working in an Ebola clinic in the Kenema district of Sierra Leone. He is being treated on a specialist isolation ward at the Royal Free hospital in Hampstead, north London.