Former Colne high school topless photo teacher banned from classroom

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A teacher has been banned from the classroom after admitting sending a topless photograph of herself to a former student in Lancashire.

Linda Harvey, 43, also sent private messages on Facebook and text messages from July 2012 after the boy left Park High School in Colne.

A professional conduct panel found her actions amounted to misconduct because the relationship was initiated by her as she was his teacher.

Mrs Harvey apologised for any "upset".

The panel found Mrs Harvey's actions "were not sexually motivated" but her actions "fell significantly short of the standards expected of a teacher".

Paul Heathcote, decision-maker for the National College for Teaching and Leadership panel, said: "The panel have found that her behaviour amounts to unacceptable professional conduct and conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute."

'Let down badly'

Mrs Harvey taught the boy from January 2010 and became his School of Professional and Continuing Education teacher a year later, when he was in year 11.

In November 2012, the boy had started a college course and was sent a picture message of a "bare-breasted woman from the neck down" who was identified as Mrs Harvey, the panel heard.

The boy reported receiving the "indecent" image to the school.

She was given a prohibition order, which prevents her from teaching at any education establishment in England.

Mrs Harvey can apply for the ban to be lifted in five years.

In a statement to the panel, Mrs Harvey said she would "like to apologise for any upset and distress caused to the ex-pupil who I let down badly throughout the entire incident.

"Above all it is the impact on him that I am mindful on - as well as the impact on other pupils and the school community as a whole."

Mrs Harvey left the school in February 2013 before a disciplinary hearing.

Its governors decided she "would have been dismissed had she not resigned", the panel were told.

Mrs Harvey had been employed at the school as a teaching assistant in August 2002 before becoming a teacher in 2009.