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Papers mull over Queen's injury Papers mull over Queen's injury
(7 days later)
The back injury which forced the Queen to cancel a visit to Arsenal's stadium, attracts a great deal of attention in Friday's papers.The back injury which forced the Queen to cancel a visit to Arsenal's stadium, attracts a great deal of attention in Friday's papers.
The Daily Express says she has been ordered to rest and even speculates that she might not attend next month's Remembrance Sunday service.The Daily Express says she has been ordered to rest and even speculates that she might not attend next month's Remembrance Sunday service.
Meanwhile, the Daily Telegraph points out that her back problem is shared by millions of her subjects.Meanwhile, the Daily Telegraph points out that her back problem is shared by millions of her subjects.
It says a possible remedy would be to take up Pilates.It says a possible remedy would be to take up Pilates.
Flu folly?Flu folly?
Several papers report that a leading expert in infectious diseases has expressed doubts that flu jabs have any real benefit for those treated.Several papers report that a leading expert in infectious diseases has expressed doubts that flu jabs have any real benefit for those treated.
Writing in the British Medical Journal, Dr Tom Jefferson says the vaccine only appeared to be of worth among people who suffer from Bronchitis.Writing in the British Medical Journal, Dr Tom Jefferson says the vaccine only appeared to be of worth among people who suffer from Bronchitis.
The claims are reported in the Daily Mail and the Telegraph.The claims are reported in the Daily Mail and the Telegraph.
Meanwhile, the Times reports that half an hour's brisk walking a day could cut the risk of catching a cold in half.Meanwhile, the Times reports that half an hour's brisk walking a day could cut the risk of catching a cold in half.
MPs allowancesMPs allowances
The Mail is not impressed by the allowances claimed by MPs at Westminster, which total over £86m.The Mail is not impressed by the allowances claimed by MPs at Westminster, which total over £86m.
The paper calculates that this figure works out at £134,000 per head.The paper calculates that this figure works out at £134,000 per head.
It says British troops in Afghanistan are paid an hourly rate less than the minimum wage and Alzheimer's patients are denied drugs costing £2.50 a day.It says British troops in Afghanistan are paid an hourly rate less than the minimum wage and Alzheimer's patients are denied drugs costing £2.50 a day.
Is it any wonder, ponders the paper, that the more eagerly MPs line their own pockets, the less the public can be bothered to vote?Is it any wonder, ponders the paper, that the more eagerly MPs line their own pockets, the less the public can be bothered to vote?
Wheelie bins explainedWheelie bins explained
Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell tells the Financial Times the US crackdown on online gambling could provoke an increase in fraud.Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell tells the Financial Times the US crackdown on online gambling could provoke an increase in fraud.
The FT says her intervention marks the first public show of dissent since a UK internet gambling executive was arrested in the US in the summer.The FT says her intervention marks the first public show of dissent since a UK internet gambling executive was arrested in the US in the summer.
And the Sun says Epping Forest District Council is running five-hour road shows explaining how to use wheelie bins.And the Sun says Epping Forest District Council is running five-hour road shows explaining how to use wheelie bins.
A council spokesman said people would find out how easy the bins are to move.A council spokesman said people would find out how easy the bins are to move.