#BBCtrending: Legendary London lamb chop enters stratosphere


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A video of a lamb chop being launched high above the earth has gone viral. But what does the guardian of the famous chop recipe think?

Like many online videos, this one is in fact an attempt at viral marketing. Novelist Nikesh Shukla blasted the chop into the stratosphere as a play on words of the title of his latest book: "Meatspace" (although technically the grilled lamb didn't actually reach space). But what made this lamb chop different, and instantly recognisable to many in London, was that he chose the chronically busy Tayyabs in the East End of the city to provide the tasty morsel.

Queuing for a table at Tayyabs while luckier diners chew on award-winning Pakistani food is a regular trial for devoted fans. Opened in the early 1970s to cater to local immigrants, the restaurant has since become a magnet for foodies and hipsters. Shukla says that during a visit with designer Nick Hearne, he gazed at the restaurant's wall of famous patrons - including TV and film stars - and wondered how a mere novelist could join their ranks.

"We asked them if we send one of their lamb chops into space, would we get onto the wall of fame?" Shukla told the BBC.

Aleem Tayyab, who owns the restaurant along with his brothers, says he was mildly sceptical of the plan.

"At first, we didn't know what to make of it," he says. "The staff were extremely confused. But I said, sure - let's see what happens. It might work."

The chop was launched in June but the footage was only recently recovered. The story has come at a sad time for the restaurant - its original owner, Aleem's father Mohammed Tayyab, died earlier this month.

"We were all down because my father passed away and this was some good news after a rough patch," Aleem says.

And a picture of Shukla and Hearne will soon go up on the restaurant's wall.

Reporting by Mike Wendling

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