Lost sheep in Christmas sweater found on streets of Omaha


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Someone in Nebraska has misplaced a sheep, and it is wearing a seasonal sweater.

The sheep was found in north Omaha on Sunday wearing a Christmas sweater and is being kept at the Nebraska Humane Society, according to the Omaha World-Herald.

Elizabeth Hilpipre, of the humane society, told the paper she guessed that the mystery sheep had walked away from a live nativity scene, thus the sweater.

“Sometimes people will put a sweater on the sheep after they’ve been sheared but we don’t know if that’s the case here,” Hilpipre said. “We hope to get him back with his owner or find a good home.”

The sheep could be adopted as early as Thursday because of the shelter’s rule that animals must be held for three days before going up for adoption.

“We’ve had sheep here before but never one in a sweater, so that’s pretty unusual,” Hilpipre told the Omaha World-Herald.

A missing Shetland pony named Blossom was recently reunited with its nine-year-old owner in southern California after going missing during the Thanksgiving holiday.