Turkey: Governor restricts lift use to fight obesity


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A regional governor in Turkey has banned people from using lifts to reach the first three floors of public buildings, it's reported.

Dursun Ali Sahin, governor of the western province of Edirne, wants people to take the stairs as part of a campaign against obesity, the Daily Sabah website reports. The only buildings exempt from the ban will be hospitals and nursing homes, but people who can't take the stairs for medical reasons will also be excused, the website reports. "Taking the stairs instead of elevators can add an extra day to your life," says Mr Sahin, adding that he intends to make the ban apply to private buildings in the future. "This is a move to promote better health. Moreover, it will help to cut energy costs." Lift supervisors will be posted in public buildings to make sure the new rules are enforced, Mr Sahin says.

Last year, the governor banned coffee shops from serving tea with two cubes of sugar - as is traditional in Turkey - ordering them to just serve one cube instead, the BGN News website reports. The lift ban is reportedly the first of its kind in Turkey, but several social media users point out it won't take long for people to find a way around it. "This ban won't work in Turkey," says Murat Y on Twitter. "Turkish people will use the elevator to get to the fourth floor and walk down to the third floor."

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