Halliburton could join UK fracking firm Third Energy at Yorkshire test site


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Campaigners have raised concerns over fracking in Yorkshire potentially involving US contractors Halliburton, the company that paid out over $1bn to settle claims over its role in the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster and admitted destroying evidence.

Third Energy has said it will apply to frack for shale gas at Kirby Misperton in Ryedale and a spokesman told the Guardian that Halliburton is tendering to provide services. “As is normal in the oil and gas industry, Third Energy is discussing the scope of work, for various services and equipment contracts, with a range of potential sub-contractors,” he said. “At this stage no contracts have been awarded but Halliburton is one of the companies with whom we are in discussion.”

Local anti-fracking campaigners said they were worried about Halliburton’s involvement. “Residents of Ryedale are very disturbed by the revelation. This is not the type of company that should be allowed to perform a test frack here,” said Chris Redston, of Frack Free Ryedale.

“It is also significant that Halliburton’s involvement only came to light through a freedom of information request,” said Redston. “Third Energy have been claiming that they are operating ‘transparently’, yet they have obviously been trying to keep the involvement of such a controversial company from the public. This is not the sort of behaviour local people expect from a so-called ‘good neighbour’.”

Halliburton is one of the biggest oil and gas services companies in the world, employing 100,000 people across the globe. As well as the controversy over its drilling work on Deepwater Horizon, there was a fire in June 2014 at a fracking site in Ohio at which Halliburton was working. Large quantities of chemicals spilled into a river, killing 70,000 fish. The company did not respond to a request for comment regarding Third Energy.

David Cameron says the UK government is “going all out” for fracking, which it argues could be a valuable source of domestic energy. Opponents argue that fracking brings unacceptable health and environmental risks and will add to climate-warming carbon emissions.

Campaigners from Frack Free Ryedale demonstrated outside an Environment Agency (EA) office on Friday while officials met Third Energy to discuss the company’s plans. An email from Third Energy to the Environment Agency released under freedom of information rules refers to a “meeting to discuss Halliburton’s hydraulic fracturing fluid products which are proposed to be submitted as part of Third Energy’s permit application”.

Third Energy said it would disclose the chemicals to be used in the fracking fluid once the EA had signed off their proposal. The fluid is used under high pressure to fracture rock and release trapped gas. It contain lubricants, biocides and acids.

An EA spokeswoman said: “As a regulator of onshore oil and gas exploration and development in England, the EA’s role is to ensure that such activities are carried out in a way that does not harm people or the environment. As part of our duties we work closely with companies interested in applying for gas exploration permits, providing guidance on environmental risks and the permitting framework. As a result, we are regularly in contact.”

Once Third Energy has submitted its permit application, the EA said it will carry out a public consultation to allow communities to have their views taken into account before any permitting decisions are made.

Note: A spokesman for Third Energy initially told the Guardian that the intended drilling contractor for the Kirby Misperton site was Halliburton. After publication, the spokesman said Halliburton would not in fact be the drilling contractor, but were tendering for commercially confidential services. The article has been updated to reflect this.