Hi, prime minister, Robert at GCHQ here. It’s these terror stories – they terrify me …


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With the terror threat high and the security services on full alert, you’d have thought it would be quite tricky for a member of the public to have a private chat with the prime minister on the phone. Apparently not. First things first – you can warm up gently by phoning GCHQ and asking for the phone number of its chief, Robert Hannigan. Once you’ve built up your confidence, why not call the Downing Street switchboard and pretend to be Hannigan? Here’s how the conversation went.

Prank caller: Is that you, Dave?

Prime minister: Good to hear from you, Robert. How can I help?

Prank caller: Thing is, Dave. I’m a bit off my head. I had a few bevvies down the pub and then got completely smashed on weed.

Prime minister: Lucky you, Robert. I’ve just had to spend the whole weekend in Saudi Arabia paying my respects to King Abdullah. There wasn’t so much as a glass of wine let alone some spliff. Anyway, how can I help?

Prank caller: Thing is, Dave. All these terror stories. They’ve got me shit-scared …

Prime minister: Me too, Robert. The world is a very dangerous place.

Prank caller: I mean, what can you do about it? That’s what I want to know.

Prime minister: I would point out, Robert, that that is precisely what you are meant to know.

Prank caller: I’m sorry, Dave. You’re right. It won’t happen again.

Prime minister: That’s OK. It happens to the best of us. Why don’t you have a lie down and call me back when you’ve sobered up a bit.

Prank caller: I love you, Dave.

Prime minister: I love you too, Robert.

The PM says he quickly realised he was being pranked. But who’s to say the hoaxer didn’t capture Hannigan’s mannerisms perfectly? I think we need to hear the man himself to be able to judge for ourselves – a good enough reason for Robert to come out of the shadows?