Can Syriza really pull Greece out of austerity?

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Alexis Tsipras declared that Greece “is leaving behind five years of humiliation and pain” after his Syriza party swept to a stunning victory in the country’s elections on Sunday.

In front of an ecstatic crowd of cheering, flag-waving supporters outside Athens university, Tsipras said that “today, the Greek people have made history. Hope has made history.”

The Greek people, he said, had “given a clear, strong, indisputable mandate. Greece has turned a page. Greece is leaving behind destructive austerity, fear and authoritarianism.”

Greeks share their hopes for the future of the country under Tsipras’ leadership.

‘People here have been betrayed too many times. It’s hard to believe anymore’

Realistically, I won’t be affected much by the result. Everyone hopes for something better, who wouldn’t? The politics of despair are playing right now. Syriza’s made a lot of promises, their slogan says, ‘Hope Is On The Way.’ But there are still serious doubts. People here have been betrayed too many times. It’s hard to believe anymore. Independence, true independence, what was once our country was sold into economic slavery years ago. Only by dissolving the debt can we really move forward.

The way things are, there is no country, no homeland, just a place that used to have that name stolen from us like our marble. That’s the way it is these days, banks buying up countries like real estate. Anyone who believes Tsipras is going to run this show has been lobotomised. All of that’s just make believe, it’s the International Monetary Fund that’s in control.

Emilia Spanou, 21, Athens, Greece

‘Tsipras can build a country that respects its citizens and their rights’

I’m a realist so I don’t expect great changes to come the day after the elections. But I hope that Greece under the leadership of Tsipras will end this harsh austerity. I believe he can build a country that respects its citizens and their rights, which are violated nowadays by the current government. I think that economy, reforms, unemployment, education, social protection and security are the key points that the new government should put more weight on. These factors affect all citizens and can lead to trusting or mistrusting politicians.

Despite the defamation suffered, Syriza is a pro-European party that respects the European institutions. I believe that Tsipras wants Greece to stay in the euro, but this doesn’t mean that we accept the unfair austerity. His vision of a better European Union can inspire the Greeks and Europeans to rally around him.

Dimitris Makrystathis, 25, Patras

‘Austerity has gone on for so long that it is hard to see how it can end’

As someone on a low pension I do not expect much improvement no matter who wins. Certainly it is difficult to believe any electioneering promises so a coalition government is a logical choice for me. To remain in the EU, but for it to be a member of a union that takes a line that balances financial and humanitarian aspects so that both are fit for 21st century Europe. Austerity has gone on for so long that it is hard to see how it can end.

An EU that stops the “north south double standard” of considering it normal for the extended Greek family to be the only source of support for the unemployed til all are in need and no one can get out of the hole. I suppose Greece could stay in the euro, but only if countries like Germany cast their minds back to how their debt crisis in the past were solved. Their success story could be Greece’s too, only on a more modest scale.

J Panayiotidi, 68, Anavissos Attica

‘Tsipras doesn’t convince me as a politician’

Personally I will not be affected by the outcome of the election so much as I live abroad, but I do worry about my family back in Greece. A lot of what Syriza promises is ungrounded. It’s populist promises leave one wondering what sort of new taxes will they introduce and to whom. I am not particularly keen on New Democracy either, but it is the better of two evils.

I am looking forward to a reformed and more efficient public sector, less corruption, less bureaucracy and incentives for new businesses. Greece needs desperately more jobs. Tsipras doesn’t convince me as a politician at all, the way he speaks resembles an angry teenager. As a Greek that lives abroad I feel embarrassed by his demands and his politics – if you can call them that.

I do hope that Greece stays in the Euro, but I can’t see how that will be the case with a Syriza government. Greece lived in a bubble for years, why should its debt be written off?

Anastasia, 35, Germany

“The Greek people proved that they won’t be intimidated”

I voted for Syriza. I am elated and worried at the same time. I am elated because the progressive political domain I traditionally belong in seems to be achieving a historical victory. On the other hand, I am worried because, despite Alexis Tsipras’ declared intentions to fight against austerity, the conservative political forces in Europe seem positioned against that prospect.

What I can say with certainty, if you allow me to interpret the outcome of the elections in Greece, is that the Greek people definitely voted against the effort the memorandum-friendly elements, both domestic and foreign, made to intimidate them and manipulate their voting by exercising terror on them, focusing on words like bankrupcy, destruction and horror.

If nothing else, the Greek people proved that they won’t be intimidated and for that I am proud no matter what happens henceforth.


“I doubt Alexis Tsipras will be able to pull off most of his goals without us leaving the Eurozone”

I am one of Syriza’s supporters but I doubt Alexis Tsipras will be able to pull off most of his goals without us leaving the Eurozone and printing our own currency.

You cannot control your economy without controlling your currency. If we had left the Eurozone and defaulted five years ago, we would have suffered for a year at most and then we would have had growth, just like Iceland did. Now it is more difficult but still not impossible.

I predict a large scale conflict in the coming weeks, but I am not sure if Europe or the new government will back down. It’s possible Tsipras will disappoint us and adopt the same economic policy. It’s also possible deflation and the continuing crisis in Europe will put some sense in the Europeans and abandon the Merkelian austerity. We shall see in the coming months I guess.

Νικόλαος Σκορδίλης

“The tax hikes have been back-breaking.”

I am not a registered voter, but as a permanent resident have watched this from the sidelines, rather as I did in the UK last August in the run-up to the recent Scottish independence referendum. There are some telling comparisons. The powers that be ran a campaign based on fear, accusing the opposition of populism and incompetence. Here too, we heard of empty supermarkets and snake-oil politics. On the other hand, the suitors of power wooed voters with a highly positive campaign, with “Hope is on the way” as their central slogan.

The difference in the outcome was down to the fact that unlike Scots, Greeks had been on the receiving end of Project Fear tactics a mere two years ago, and saw that as a government, Samaras and New Democracy spectacularly failed to deliver on their promise of renegotiation. Believe me, for ordinary people the tax hikes have been back-breaking.

This time, one senses that there is a genuine will to push for a better deal with the creditors, not least because under the existing programme the debt has increased.

Only time will tell as to whether Tsipras and Syriza can deliver.
