Single father takes cosmetology course so he can style daughter's hair

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A single father became so determined to be able to style his daughter’s hair that he went to cosmetology school to learn how to do it.

Greg Wickherst, of Colorado, was lost when it came to tying his daughter Izzy’s hair into a ponytail, so he paid a visit to the cosmetology department at IntelliTec College, where he works as an admissions representative.

"In no time, I was able to do a simple braid, then a fishbone braid, and a French braid. I learned how to do a ponytail, then flip it through itself either under or over. I call that an inverted ponytail," he told the Huffington Post.

Mr Wickherst shows off his creations in a photo gallery on Facebook, where he has gained more than a few fans for his determination to master different styles.

Asides from hair, he said his best advice to other single fathers was to enjoy every minute of it.

"The good and the not-so-good. Even the blowout diapers, the tantrums in the store, and the late night, up sick, catching-throw-up-in-your-bare-hands nights. Because it doesn't last forever," he said.