Twitter launches ‘register to vote’ button, reminding users to sign up before deadline

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Twitter is reminding its users to register to vote in the general election, ahead of the close of registration next week.

Users will see a button telling them that the deadline to sign up is a week away, alongside information about how to register and a tweet from the UK’s electoral commission.

One week left to register to vote at the #GE2015. Don't miss out, go online and register today! #registertovote

The feature followers a similar reminder from Facebook that showed on February’s National Voter Registration Day.

This election will be the first where citizens are able to sign up to vote online. But most young people don’t know that they can register online, with 53 per cent of 18-24 year olds unaware of the change, according to YouGov research conducted before the Facebook message.

Twitter is looking to use the interest in political issues generated on Twitter to encourage the same young people to vote. It said that 1.5 million tweets were sent during the recent leaders debate, and that surveys showed that nearly half of young Twitter users had become interested in a political cause through being on the platform.