Papers expect Kosovo independence

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Although no single story dominates the papers, several look to the expected declaration of independence in Kosovo.

The Times says the announcement is expected at midnight on Sunday, in time for recognition by the major European powers, led by Britain, on Monday.

The Independent says the United States will also recognise Kosovo on Monday.

The Daily Telegraph says Russia's virulent opposition to Kosovo's independence is casting a shadow over festivities on the streets.

Big-chain blues

The Daily Mail reports that thousands of small shops are "doomed" after a government watchdog approved the expansion of supermarket giants.

An editorial says the supermarkets have wreaked havoc on British society by forcing the closure of small stores.

The Sun, on the other hand, says the industry is hugely competitive, which helps keep prices down for consumers.

The Financial Times leads with Tesco's complaints of what the company calls "American-style" regulation of chains.

Poles 'going home'

The Guardian's lead story says that genetically modified crops may be grown in secret locations.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is said to be looking for options fearing its opponents are winning the fight over the technology.

The Times front page says the wave of immigration that helped fuel Britain's early 21st century boom is over.

It says that for the first time since 2004, more Poles are returning to their homeland than are entering the UK.

Mucca vs Macca

The Mail reports Sir Paul McCartney has agreed to pay Heather Mills £55m in exchange for never speaking in detail about their break up.

But the paper is pretty much alone in its assessment - most of the papers see significance in the fact the hearing has extended into a second week.

Luckily for headline writers, there is a Beatles' song for most situations.

So the Guardian's complaint of a lack of access begins with "Listen, Do You Want to Know A Secret? Well so do we".