News Article Title Version Source Discovered
As Venezuela Crumbles, Opposition Led by Juan Guaidó Sees an Opportunity 2 nytimes
Drone Flying Near Newark Liberty Airport Temporarily Halts Flights 2 nytimes
R Kelly's ex-wife Andrea Kelly accuses him of domestic abuse 1 guardian
Georgia: Stacey Abrams vows to keep fighting in tight governor's race 5 guardian
Holyrood must focus on the Alex Salmond harassment claims, not point-scoring 4 guardian
Stop apologising for coalition, Nick Clegg tells Lib Dems 5 guardian
Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal 6 guardian
Labour has shifted focus from bingo to quinoa, say swing voters 4 guardian
Nauru's asylum seeker tents demolished ahead of Pacific Islands Forum 3 guardian
SNP gifts May a hissy-fit to take her out of the limelight at PMQs 4 guardian
Tight visa controls encourage illegal immigration, say researchers 5 guardian
We live in interesting times. Why can’t Hollywood make films about them? 4 guardian
Malcolm Turnbull says Nauru's ban on ABC journalists 'regrettable' 5 guardian
NWES: Enterprise agency awarded contracts to director's firms 0 bbc
Pence Tells Venezuelans That U.S. Backs Efforts to Oust Maduro 3 nytimes
Grieving orca mother carries dead calf for days as killer whales fight for survival 5 guardian