News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Maria Butina: 'covert Russian agent' will plead guilty over effort to infiltrate NRA 3 guardian
Australian PM dumps key climate policy to stave off leadership revolt 3 guardian
At last, a sound plan to tackle obesity. The food industry must not ruin it 3 guardian
El Chapo Trial: Former Mexican President Peña Nieto Took $100 Million Bribe, Witness Says 1 nytimes
Venezuela Opposition Declares Maduro Illegitimate, and Urges Defections 2 nytimes
50 Jesuits Are Named as Abusers, Including Some From Top-Ranked N.Y. Catholic Schools 1 nytimes
Sergio Mattarella: the Italian president at the heart of a political crisis 3 guardian
Sergio Mattarella: the Italian president at the heart of a political crisis 3 guardian
UK launches nationwide review of meat processing plants 8 guardian
William Billingham guilty of murdering eight-year-old daughter 2 guardian
Call for post-Brexit trade deals to safeguard against invasive species 3 guardian
Grace Millane: suspect pleads not guilty to murdering British backpacker 1 guardian
German politicians launch leftwing 'Get Up' movement 5 guardian
Customs union Q&A: what is it and can the UK manage without it? 6 guardian
Customs union Q&A: what is it and can the UK manage without it? 6 guardian
UK supreme court swears in two new judges 2 guardian